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Pitch: Tuuk+ vs. Cobra

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I've been using the Cobra's on my G3's for about a month now. I was just wondering how the Tuuk+'s differ and what benefits they may have as oposed to the Cobra's. Also, I think the old black custom +'s would look pretty sweet on my skates.

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The proverbial night and day difference. My vapor 6 felt as if it had a negative pitch. I'm now a big cobra fan.

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The benefit would be if you've skated on the Tuuks your whole life and didn't care to adjust or try the Cobra. I switched from Tuuks to Cobra's recently, yes they're different but its not anything a decent skater can't adjust to in about 10 minutes. After one full game I already like the Cobras. Do I like them more than the Tuuks? Not really, I like both, but am happy enough with the Cobras not to have to switch them. I think the Cobras forward pitch is nice for a skater who likes to skate in a very bent/forward angle. Maybe it's in my head, but I think I get into a more aggressive skating position on the Cobras.

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The benefit would be if you've skated on the Tuuks your whole life and didn't care to adjust or try the Cobra. I switched from Tuuks to Cobra's recently, yes they're different but its not anything a decent skater can't adjust to in about 10 minutes. After one full game I already like the Cobras. Do I like them more than the Tuuks? Not really, I like both, but am happy enough with the Cobras not to have to switch them. I think the Cobras forward pitch is nice for a skater who likes to skate in a very bent/forward angle. Maybe it's in my head, but I think I get into a more aggressive skating position on the Cobras.

It's not in your head

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The differences I feel from the Cobra's and Tuuk's are really, negligable. The Cobra's are possibly the stiffest holders on the market, but I sometimes benefit from the subtle torquing of the Tuuks

Tuuk's tend to place a player's weight on the heel of the holder. This is sometimes accomodated with an aggressive forward angle boot structure to compensate for the weight distribution.

Cobra's have an integrated lift which places a players weight towards the balls of his feet. If you like the forwad pitch from the Cobra's but for some other reason, want to have Tuuk's on your G3's, go for it but ask you LHS for a heel lift (It can be trial and error to find your prefered pitch). They simply wedge a piece of plastic, 3mm or so, between the heel of the holder and the outsole and voila. The best of both worlds, or close to anyway.

Hope that helps

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Yeah, I do like the forward pitch of the Cobra's but I find the holder a little too stiff. I am only 5'7' 160lbs. I just found that the Tuuk's to have a little more 'give' and I could make quick cuts, and dig in on fast turns better. Does this make sense to anyone, or is it all in my head?

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I agree that Cobras feel slightly stiffer, but I don't think that's a bad thing. I disagree however about digging into turns better with the Tuuks...I like the Cobras a bit better.

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I personally like the Tuuks better because they seem better balanced. With the Cobras I find it you can be thrown off balance very easily and it takes some getting use the pitch on them. Just my two cents.

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I hate categorizing things like this as results vary but ...

Tuuks tend to be best for North to South skaters while Corbas for folks who are East to West.

To simple of an explanation? Hell Yes!

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I am a little confused? My understanding is that the forward pitch in Grafs is all in the holder and not the boot? My LHS who are very good said all Grafs have the same pitch forward. If you switch to tuuks then you must proflie the blade to match the forward ptitch of the cobras and not the boot?


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Mario - yes

Sid - Graf boots are pitched forward but so is the holder. I still say that a Graf 705 goes perfectly with a Tuuk. When that skate was designed, it was with Tuuk holders. The Cobra throws it off a bit too forward.

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For what it's worth, and this is coming from a novice, but... I recently purchased a pair of Bauer 5090s with custom+ after skating on Nike V10s with Lightspeeds. I did notice a feeling of skating on the backs of the blades at first, but now, it forces me to get my shins against the tongue of my skate which has helped me maintain my knee flex and in turn, helped my skating.

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what about the pitch of a T'blade compared to Ligthspeed??any one know??

I found the T'blades were noticalby more aggressive.

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