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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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just plain funny

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LOL that is some pretty funny stuff, especially the guy that sat on top of his truck. But jeeze that one guy that played chicken with the train is just damn lucky.

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Lol and it ends with the classic grape slip, she goes on making those noises for like a minute. Surprised they didnt have katana slip and the ladder fall QVC videos too.

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Well, I already replied in another post, but I need to say it again. You have just posted to useless comments. Now if you had of posted as one, I still it was stupid but in any case. You need to stop worrying about your post count and start worrying about the quality of your posts. Once again I can't speak for everyone on the site and don't want to intrude on mods work, but I think that this type of behaviour warrenties at least a temprary ban/warning level increase.

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Well, I already replied in another post, but I need to say it again. You have just posted to useless comments. Now if you had of posted as one, I still it was stupid but in any case. You need to stop worrying about your post count and start worrying about the quality of your posts. Once again I can't speak for everyone on the site and don't want to intrude on mods work, but I think that this type of behaviour warrenties at least a temprary ban/warning level increase.

I would have just said this person's fucking useless, but this conveyed it better.

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It's been taken care of.

Basically, it's like this. This is a hockey message board. If you spend more time posting in Miscellaneous than anything, perhaps you should revert to lurk mode.

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