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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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best teammate/opponent ?

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I've played on these guys team: Cody Hodgson, Steve Stamkos, Mike Del Zotto. They are all expected to be top 10 picks in the 2006 OHL draft. I played against John Tavares for 4 years or so, probably the best player in the world for 1990's, IMO. I've played against countless guys who will get drafted into the WHL this year, but that would be a long list.

Shawn Belle was on the ice with me today, he is unreal. His skating is insane, best I have ever seen live.

who do you play for?

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Needless to say I couldn't hold much to Reese and Gaustad... Jackson was such a garbage player by WHL standards, didn't fare to well when he went back to Jr.B either.

My buddy played against him in the high school league two years ago. Said the exact same thing, that he was nothing more than a failed Winterhawk project.

He was brought on to be a big time enforcer/grinder and he made it pretty clear that he didn't wanna play that role and his hockey carrer suffered because of it. Sadly we had 4th and 5th year players pulling moves on him. It's a tough position for big players to be in.

Ended up fighting him as my first fight ever in Jr's, at a BCHL camp when we were both rookies, then again 2 yrs ago. Good scraps, he beat me pretty badly the first time, but I kind of expected that, second time I did fairly well. Definitly not a WHL caliber player as Dubensky from Portland, and Macias from Kamloops were at the same camp and they were both way, smaller, but just as tough and way better skills.

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I'm a roller guy....

Probably the biggest name I've played with was Tony Szabo (of RHI/PBH/everything else on wheels) fame. Some other big name roller guys I've crossed paths with were the Yoders, Gregg Geevers, and J.P. Beilstein.

Also played roller against a few Blues and/or former Blues: Bernie Federko, Perry Turnbull, Greg Paslawski, Rob Ramage, Bruce Affleck, Jamie Rivers, Jim Campbell.

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Needless to say I couldn't hold much to Reese and Gaustad... Jackson was such a garbage player by WHL standards, didn't fare to well when he went back to Jr.B either.

My buddy played against him in the high school league two years ago. Said the exact same thing, that he was nothing more than a failed Winterhawk project.

He was brought on to be a big time enforcer/grinder and he made it pretty clear that he didn't wanna play that role and his hockey carrer suffered because of it. Sadly we had 4th and 5th year players pulling moves on him. It's a tough position for big players to be in.

Ended up fighting him as my first fight ever in Jr's, at a BCHL camp when we were both rookies, then again 2 yrs ago. Good scraps, he beat me pretty badly the first time, but I kind of expected that, second time I did fairly well. Definitly not a WHL caliber player as Dubensky from Portland, and Macias from Kamloops were at the same camp and they were both way, smaller, but just as tough and way better skills.

Yea I was a megar 5'2 140lbs and he was about 6'4 230ish... so when I scrapped with him it didn't last long. Ended up goating him into 14 PIMS before that though which helped us win that game. Most disgusting stride I have ever seen too.

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as a young kid, still playing Tier hockey

-Bill Guerin, Jim Dowd (MN), Jamie Leach (FLA), Ryan Haggerty (TOR)

Chris/Peter Ferraro, did a commercial with Eruzione,

as an adult

Glenn Anderson, Kasatonov, Starikov, bunch of ex Russian guys, Bruce Driver, Ralph Barahona (cup o joe with the B's), Szabo, Peter Statsny, bunch of ex minor pros,

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The best team i have ever played against was in a tournament we were a house team and they were AA and we won but it was completly luck lol and they only had like 8 or 10 players

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I played against Colten Teubert in try outs a few years ago hes saposed to go top ten in this years WHL draft. Also skated with Garrett Robinson of the Moose Jaw Warriors. in this hockey Class with my school.

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Basketball, Played with Samuel Dalamber from The Sixer when he lived in Montreal... he was 6'9 at 14...

Hockey, I played with Stephane Richer, Daniel Briere on Ice and Eric Landry on Rollers and Ice... there All from Gatineau Quebec stupid how good these guys are, makes you appreciate the nhl talent that much more...

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I played inline against a guy that was on the roster of the Quad City Mallards (UHL)...

My football coach when I was in grade school was the number 2 wideout for the Packers when Sterling Sharpe was still playing.

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What BCHL team were you trying out for?

I was playing in somekinda house highschool leauge after everyones season ended. No Jr.A for me unfortunatly.

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I played inline against a guy that was on the roster of the Quad City Mallards (UHL)...

are you talking about Jason Sessa? He was in the AHL too for Toronto's team, I think he was a 2nd or 3rd round pick, also on the inline side for that team was Jeff Reyneart, who used to tend goal for Mission

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I played inline against a guy that was on the roster of the Quad City Mallards (UHL)...

My football coach when I was in grade school was the number 2 wideout for the Packers when Sterling Sharpe was still playing.

Robert Brooks?

As for the relevant part of the post, I'd say Gomez or Nate West.

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Bobby Ryan and I basically grew up together. We first played on the same roller team when we were 6. Then, ice a year later and up until he left me for the California girls...

Best teammates- Gabe Gauthier, Travis Turnbull, TJ Hensick, Robbie Schremp, Chad Kolarik, Brett Motherwell, Moises Guitierrez, Todd McIlrath.

Best Opponents- Sidney Crosby, Chris Bourque, Keith Yandle, Billy Ryan, Adam Penault, Jon Quick, Augie DiMarzo, Steve Smolinsky, Jerry Pallastrone. There's more...

Also, every summer Bobby and I workout with the Flyers. So there's a boatload of great players I've played against/with. Now that they have the lockout, I've been skating with some of the guys that stayed in the area on Friday mornings.

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as a young kid, still playing Tier hockey

-Bill Guerin, Jim Dowd (MN), Jamie Leach (FLA), Ryan Haggerty (TOR)

Chris/Peter Ferraro, did a commercial with Eruzione,

as an adult

Glenn Anderson, Kasatonov, Starikov, bunch of ex Russian guys, Bruce Driver, Ralph Barahona (cup o joe with the B's), Szabo, Peter Statsny, bunch of ex minor pros,

Szabo's a good guy, and did you ever play against Driver when he was playing net?

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I got to play with Jeremy Roenick, Claude Lemieux, Brad May, and Sean Burke this morning for the new ECHL team(Phoenix Roadrunners coming back to phoenix). My team got to skate with them and had a little shinny game. It was awesome. Roenick's got quite a shot.

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Maybe it´s a dumb question and maybe it has been asked before but I was curious about who was/were the best or most famous player(s) you guys have either played with or against. 

To me the best player I ever faced was Sergei Samsonov. He was 13 or 14 back then and we were all one or two years older than him. He scored 36 goals alone and in the end we were losing the game 50:1. Biggest blast ever.....he also had two two russian teammates with him who were pretty good as well but I don´t remember their names.

Does it was in a tournament or what or your team was very bad and where it was.

Man, 36 goals in a game is really something.

Well no, it was no tourney. It was in german tier 2 Juniors....not sure what that age was compared to north american junior systems (bantam, midget, pee-wee?...no idea) that team picked up the three russians as "exchange students" for a couple of months and they blew everyone away......

IMO, Samsonov has world class skills, and he's so strong on his skates for his size.

He is easily in the top 20 most skilled players in the world.

Do you remember how tall he was at that time?

He was one of if not the smallest....I don´t remeber exactly. He was the youngest for sure. I think he is one year younger than I am and I was already an underager playing up at that time. One of the other two russians was Andrej Petrunin as one of my friends told me.

By the way the best guy I have been on the ice with was Vinny Damphousse...what a classy guy I can tell you. He came to my town during the first NHL lock-out and used to practice with the Junior teams at times.... My best coaches were Valeri Vassiliev (great soviet d-man) and Marty Yewchuck (at U. of Alberta summer camp). Other guys I played with during practices include Ken Hodge jr., Jeff Lazaro, Bobby Reynolds....if some of you remember them.

Best guy I met playing roller is Kenneth "Kenny" Corp.

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I played inline against a guy that was on the roster of the Quad City Mallards (UHL)...

are you talking about Jason Sessa? He was in the AHL too for Toronto's team, I think he was a 2nd or 3rd round pick, also on the inline side for that team was Jeff Reyneart, who used to tend goal for Mission

lol, no no, this guys played like 3 games tops. He is from the area (I live in the Quad-Cities) and got called up to play a couple games. He is no where near the level of those guys.

Mack, It wasn't Robert Brooks, I'd remember a guy like Robert Brooks.

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Benoit Hogue plays in our league.Also had some guest appearances by Aucoin,McCabe,Jayson Blake,Steve Webb. Pat Lafontaine also skates on a team here but never played when we played them.

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man you guys have played against some pretty impressive players right now I'm playing with Garrett Robinson of the Moose Jaw Warriors in a school hockey class

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The Filiou bros were at my school 1 year before I arrived (they're at Notre Dame now, projected 1st roudner.). I praticed with Phillippe Ringuette and Francois Brisebois (no relations to Patrice) - both play Midget AAA now and are burning up the league. The former might go pro soon and Brisebois got a scolarship offer from Harvard (I think).

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the best player ive played with was Craig Nightingale. he was on Making the Cut and played in the QMJHL and MJAHL. he camp out with my team for a scrimmage one time,he made me look bad.

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The Filiou bros were at my school 1 year before I arrived (they're at Notre Dame now, projected 1st roudner.). I praticed with Phillippe Ringuette and Francois Brisebois (no relations to Patrice) - both play Midget AAA now and are burning up the league. The former might go pro soon and Brisebois got a scolarship offer from Harvard (I think).

My brother also play against Brisebois.

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