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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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favorite skates you've had

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my bauer X Lites for sure!!!! they arnt really popular but theyre just as lite as vapor 15s (i think its 15 anyways, darn roman numerals) ive had them for half a year now and the durability is still holding up great! the bauer pro-tect-toe works great for keeping the toe of you skate looking great :D

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I love my Vapor X's. I was wondering though, all I hear is that Vapor XX break down to butter within months and guys are replacing them at a ridiculous rate. For me, my Vapor X's are just as stiff as they were when I bought them, or very close. I've used them 2 full seasons. They're beat to crap, but its not like I can fold the tendon guard or force the sides of the skates in to touch eachother or anything. Why is that? Am I just not hard on equipment or is it the lighter materials in the XX's make them more prone to breakdown?

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My brother player over 300 games in mega air 90's! He played with them for 3 AAA seasons plus practices and summer hockey. My favourite skates were either bauer 3000's when I was little(9 or 10), or Graf 707's (swiss made) I had for 2 years. I'm currently on my second pair of graf's, which are 705's. I like them, but I wish I got another pair of 707's.

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my vapor xx's for ice, lightest skates i've owned

and my nike hiho for roller, easily the most comfiest boot i've owned

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  headonaswivel said:
If I could find them in good condition I would rock them still. My skate for all through minor hockey. All about the power clip!!!
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I still have mine but i don't wear them anymore

maybe i shoudl break them out for a pickup game

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Yes, the Power Clip. I bought my Micron Megas because Ray Bourque was wearing them. Before that, I spent my teen years in Micron Medallions and loved them. Leather skates with a plastic shell.

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