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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How did you find MSH?

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We got the name, set up the hosting deal and then changed the DNS once shark had the forum software setup with our original hosting company. Then Jay and Lego got the graphics and coding worked out.

Finally, we invited all of our friends over and that's what made it MSH. It's the members that make us what we are.

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whats corebeam ?

i googled but couldnt find anything.

i guess its the forerunner of MSH-

Yes. Markku, who is a member here, took the intiative and set up corebeam when Easton threatened to shut down their board. He deserves a lot of credit for doing it. Those of us who set up MSH were all moderators at corebeam, hence the name. We kept many of the things we liked about Corebeam and changed the things that we didn't.

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I was with Corebeam before this and found out about it that way, and i heard about Corebeam from the EMB.

same thing I did except I never registered on emb

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Well I'm a vetaran to these boards, I started off on the old EMB, and when i finnaly got sick of only being aloud to talk about easton i dicided to sign up to corebeam.net. Then that shut down and I moved over here with the rest of yah.

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JR and Chadd dragged my ass over here from CB. I got to see bits and pieces of it before it went public, but I was in Mexico the week it officially opened. I'm still bummed I have such a high member #.

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<<<<An old Corebeam.net member

(Jeterfan_2002) AKA: Jeter boy, when ppl would make fun of me ;)

You were Jeterfan? wow, I remember you, you got made fun of more then Vapor!

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used the old blade key on corebeam then they shut down and i cam here as soon as they shut down but then i stopped posting for a while during summer then came back at the begining of hockey season.

by the way, IS #17 from corebeam a mod on MSH?

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I was on EMB (sYnergy_man34), then Corebeam (hockey3, kewlhockey3), and now MSH. I went away for two weeks to find that Corebeam had been shut down, so my good buddy 'ambro' has to explain it all to me via MSN.

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