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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How did you find MSH?

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went to corebeam one day cuz i was a member on that and it said that it no longer exsisted i dont rember exactly and it had a link to here i think lol it was along time ago

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whats corebeam ?

i googled but couldnt find anything.

i guess its the forerunner of MSH-

Yes. Markku, who is a member here, took the intiative and set up corebeam when Easton threatened to shut down their board. He deserves a lot of credit for doing it. Those of us who set up MSH were all moderators at corebeam, hence the name. We kept many of the things we liked about Corebeam and changed the things that we didn't.

Why isnt Markuu a mod here? Just for the old times and stuff.

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whats corebeam ?

i googled but couldnt find anything.

i guess its the forerunner of MSH-

Yes. Markku, who is a member here, took the intiative and set up corebeam when Easton threatened to shut down their board. He deserves a lot of credit for doing it. Those of us who set up MSH were all moderators at corebeam, hence the name. We kept many of the things we liked about Corebeam and changed the things that we didn't.

Why isnt Markuu a mod here? Just for the old times and stuff.

There were some disagreements on the direction that corebeam was going. At some point MSH will have to add moderators to supplement the work we do and the candidates will come from our senior members.

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I was a member of EMB back in it's glory days when it had the "branching topics" shown (I'm sure there's a more techinical term for that). As mentioned earlier, when Guru threatened to shut the MB down, I went on a road trip with the core group to one or two temporary MBs that were set up. Then CoreBeam was created, then onto here. Still sport the CB cap with the MSH shirt on a regular basis. I do have a couple 'vintage' CB caps if anyone wants to purchase.... may be worth something in the future... ;)

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I was a member of EMB back in it's glory days when it had the "branching topics" shown (I'm sure there's a more techinical term for that).

Those were the days! Good old EMB...

Btw. Corebeam.net domain is free if someone needs it ;) I don't :)

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From Corebeam...but I can't remember why I ended up on CB in the first place?????

I've told everyone I know (who plays) about MSH...not sure how many have actually looked at it though.

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went to a friends house, made fun of him because his homepage was CB, then i went home, and secretly looked at CB :rolleyes: , then it got shut down and after a while, decided to come out of the closet and join MSH

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