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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kudos to the Easton warrantee department.

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All of the ones I have tested have.

Did you stick to your OPS or go fack to your flyweight combo? 5 months of use is alot of hockey, at least for me it is.

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Man i can see sending it back to easton. They could check out your stick and see what they finally did right. I wouldn't feel right taking a stick from them after one lasting five months :ph34r: .The only stick i have had that has lasted longer than that is a vector.

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Ya those were a good year. They had the z-tac on the blade. Easton wasn't making enough money though so they had to take it off so more sticks would break.

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My 2001 old grey synergy, three years and counting. It has been in my garage in its handicapped parking spot for a year and a half though.

And by the way Boston, I don't feel anything when snapping my 180 dollar sticks in two, because I understand thats the risk you take when opting for a performance oriented stick, rather than a stick focused on durability.

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do you have proof of that or speculation because no matter how fragile the synergy is, I will still buy, and i bet others will too, so the z tac could have helped prolong life, but im sure people still broke them often. I mean i was using that blade when it was cracked

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do you have proof of that or speculation because no matter how fragile the synergy is, I will still buy, and i bet others will too, so the z tac could have helped prolong life, but im sure people still broke them often. I mean i was using that blade when it was cracked

The 02 blades did last longer because of the z-tac. I took me over a year to break the blad on mine and i have broken 6 sythesis blades in just over 3 months. And if a stick lasts longer people won't need to buy sticks as often if they broke earlier.

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Yes, the crappy turnaround from '02 to '03 Easton's line is legendary. I've had some decent luck this year, but '03 put a huge black eye on them.

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You would be surprised how many shops "help" their customers by giving them new receipts.

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A local store here did that with Easton. Easton finally put 2+2 together and realized that they were sending back more OPS than they booked for the year...needless to say they're not around anymore.

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Yes, the crappy turnaround from '02 to '03 Easton's line is legendary. I've had some decent luck this year, but '03 put a huge black eye on them.

Is there any way to tell an '04 Synergy from an '03 from just looking at it?

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I haven't been able to tell but I can only assume it's the '04 by its quality and time of purchase. I guess technically the only true '04 product I've used of theirs is the Stealth.

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I have two vectors both one and a half years old and the only problem is some chips off the blade which are quite severe, but do not affect the performance. I think it's all the luck of the draw on the stick you decide to pick from the rack.

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I have always had a positive experience with easton. Ive bought four synergy grips, and only one has broken in the two years ive been using them. Also, I am 5'9'', 185 and a defensemen playing about 80 games a year. Not to shabby of durability. My best experience was when I broke my first synergy. I sent it in, and a motnh later I get a call. They were out of stock on my Modano 110, so they told me theyd overnight a zbubble grip with a focus flex blade....and on top of that my synergy when they were in stock. Next day, stick/blade is at the door after school and about two weeks later a synergy. Kick ASS!

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Ya, this happened about a 8 months ago and my friend borrowed the Z-Bubble and snapped it so I made out on the deal. He gave me $50 (I hardly used the stick more than four times) and I still have the blade.

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