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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I am just wondering if anyone has ever suffered from depression and are willing to talk about it. I know it's a complicated topic and the mods can delete it if they want to. I am kinda in a huge period in my life at the moment, I went to see the doctor and I started medication and I started to go see the psychiatrist yesterday. Just looking for personal experiences on how people have have won it over.

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I'd have it open so long as it doesn't degenerate into something horrible. Never had a problem with that though, I'm just a grumpy son of a bitch but I commend you for having the balls to talk about it.

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I myself was never diagnosed, but suspected. I've had many friends who have been diagnosed with depression as well as manic depression. The best advice I can give is look for the good things in everything, and keep open, honest communication. You'd be amazed at how well good friends can carry you on bad days when they just know you're not doing so well. Depression is becoming more and more common, so people are beginning to understand that it just happens. Staying active with something also helps out, especially physical activities because your body increases amounts of chemicals inside you that give the natural high from exercise. If you find yourself feeling complacent or unmotivated, force yourself to go do something, even if it's just going for a walk at the mall or whatever. Best of luck on the tough road that's laid before you

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Stay active, and surround yourself w/ friends and family if possible (the ones that have a positive effect on you, not people that'd piss you off).

Try not to spiral down to the point where you don't take care of yourself.

It's amazing the difference in my mood when I get enough rest, excercise regularly, eat right...........little things that can help.

Also when you feel the stress getting to you. Just stop whatever you're doing. Sit down or lay down, close your eyes and just breathe. Try not to think of anything for a minute or two.

As for clinical depression, I can't give much advice other than keep talking to your therapist about everything and anything.

I know it cliched but really, try to keep a positive outlook. And it's always helped me personally that the next guy may have it ten times worse than me. Lousy way to look at things but it's a sort of perspective.

Good Luck!!!

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The thing about it with some people there really nothing that sets it off. It's a chemical inbalaced, I have been fighting it for years, and just thought I was tired all the time. Doc started me on some meds (Wellbutrun) I feel better than I have for years. More energy, not many ups and downs. If you got meds make sure you take them, and don't take yourself off them, have the doctor do it. Alot of them really will make your body go crazy if you stop them cold turkey.

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My doc started me on Paxil cause I've been developping some kind of Agoraphobia(afraid to be around alot of people). I feel out of place most of the time and if I go out after about 30 min I already want to go home. Last night I went out and after a little high I started to feel down, like alot, people were comming to me asking me what was wrong, one friend also thought I was crying. I don't think I'll be going out in a while with the exams starting next week and I'll probably start my summer job in a couple of weeks. The pills apparently won't kick in until 2 or 3 weeks, I just hope nothing will affect my upcomming university exams. I am going to go take blood tests in a couple of weeks cause I might have an hormonal inbalance because I lost too much weight in a small amount of time a couple of years ago and I've been feeling down ever since. The hard part is just trying to explain how you feel inside to the people around you.

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I have a friend who just let me in on his "depression secret," so I have a feel for what you are going through.

If I could tell you one thing (and who am I...), it is to stick to the medicine's your Dr. prescribed. Much like you, the Doc told my friend that it would take 2 to 3 weeks for the meds to start helping. At first, it didn't seem like they were doing a thing - almost like they weren't working. BUT...I just got off the phone with him, and he sounds GREAT - almost back to his old self. Even he mentioned how much better he's feeling. So, the moral is...stick with it, it WILL get better.

Family, friends, exercise, meds, forcing yourself to look for positives rather than negatives...they all help. Hang in there!

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They thing is people will say "what do you have to be depressed about?" or " just look at the bright side", everybody gets depressed about events in there life, but when it will not go away there may be more to it. Give the drugs at least a 5 to 6 weeks, and they might not work and you will have to try different ones, but when they find the right ones you will feel a hell of alot better.

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I was diagnosed with Depression.......Tough times.....It was terrible about 3 yrs ago, I couldnt even go to school....Going to a counselor really helps, and youll get over it believe me.....Damn you Puberty

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They thing is people will say "what do you have to be depressed about?" or " just look at the bright side",

about 5 years back i was depressed i hated school my teacher even my family i went to a phyclogist(sp?) and it seemed to help. and i HATED when people said that to me. i would normaly i tell them to shut the F**k up you dont understand.

now i feel down alot agina. school stresses me out alot too. i used hockey as an outlet but now its over and i fell like crap alot agian. im not like suicidle or nething but i pritty sure i need help.

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Best advice I've found is to find someone either hired or extremely trustworthy and just talk... a lot! Eventually you'll open up after rambling on for sometime and you'll really feel better. As far as meds go, take em if a doctor recomends them but try and avoid them if at all possible. Write in a blog or a journal or whatever every couple days and just spill out everything, every thought, emotion, instinct, and observation. Also be careful about where you direct your focus. If school is getting to ya then try and cut back some classes, if work is getting to ya then try and cut back if possible, if certain people are making life a lil harder then try and cut back on that time. To me it because almost a mind game of trying to gain a 3rd person total perspective on my life and then adjust objectivly. Just try and stay level while keeping in mind that depression is something that takes a lot of time and effort to overcome.

Good luck, you will come out a better person in the end.

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reading this makes me think i am depressed i feel constintly tired and im extreamly emotional and some days i just sleep cuz i just feel like its not worth getting up mayb i need help

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i dont know if religion is allowed here....but im gonna say...mods if it isnt appropriate then just delete my post or something....

yea and i know some guys here will think that what i'm about to say is nonsense or just naive crap but im gonna say it anyway because it worked for me....

whenever i'm going through depression, anger, or any of those emotional rides...what i do is pray...

seriously...im not kidding...i pray...i pray my heart out...i pray about everything i can think...i pray about things im even afraid to think about...

but hey...in the end...all my prayers were heard...

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i agree with you theo in that drinking is not the answer to problems. i am only 15 but i have friends who drink and do drugs and they try to pressure me in to doing it too. and i have considered it. i thought about, thinking to myself maybe this will help get rid of my problem's and help me relax for a bit. but then i look at the bigger picture and its just not worth it. i dont want to ruin my life by doing that stuff.

i mean i dont see a problem with drinking once in a while but not yet for me anyways.

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i agree with you theo in that drinking is not the answer to problems. i am only 15 but i have friends who drink and do drugs and they try to pressure me in to doing it too. and i have considered it. i thought about, thinking to myself maybe this will help get rid of my problem's and help me relax for a bit. but then i look at the bigger picture and its just not worth it. i dont want to ruin my life by doing that stuff.

i mean i dont see a problem with drinking once in a while but not yet for me anyways.

If your friends are pressuring you then back off. Being pretty fresh outta highschool, all the people I know that have been into drugs and overdoing it on the alcohol have turned out exactly as the sterotypes portray. Main problem is that when kids start doing it that young they lose the concept of moderation and it gets worse as time goes on.

...Just look at Theo Fleury and that should give you enough of a reason to keep your $h!t in line.

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Life comes in stages. A string of bad luck followed by good luck. It would be nice if the good and the bad would alternate but it doesn’t.

Old but true but the key to sanity in life is not to get to high or low during any of theese times. Learn to control your emotions internally and strive to take control of your life in positive ways. Be in control of your own destiny and don’t fear change or failure.

At the end of your days you don’t want to regret all the time wasted on worrying about the stupid stuff. Yes all the stuff you worry about today is in fact stupid in the grand scheme of things. Think of something you worried about in the past. What does it mean to you now? Probably nothing. This will keep today’s problem in the proper context in the grand scheme of things.

In short relax :)

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I've never really gone through true depression...only have just been really upset about certain things, but not really seriously. Many of my close friends get really depressed and end up doing drugs and they even want to commit suicide sometimes. And I'm only 14...luckily, noone has resorted to that. That is the absolute worst thing to do for depression. Doing harm to yourself(drugs, etc). I try my best to talk them out of it and it seems to help.

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Life comes in stages. A string of bad luck followed by good luck. It would be nice if the good and the bad would alternate but it doesn’t.

Old but true but the key to sanity in life is not to get to high or low during any of theese times. Learn to control your emotions internally and strive to take control of your life in positive ways. Be in control of your own destiny and don’t fear change or failure.

At the end of your days you don’t want to regret all the time wasted on worrying about the stupid stuff. Yes all the stuff you worry about today is in fact stupid in the grand scheme of things. Think of something you worried about in the past. What does it mean to you now? Probably nothing. This will keep today’s problem in the proper context in the grand scheme of things.

In short relax :)

Or take Xanax :lol: But really, everybody has given good examples. It is something I fight everday and mine is in my family history, so my Dr. caught it quick.

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I disagree. Fleury started drinking before he got into Jrs and as I said that concept of moderation and timing never came to him. After Calgary was gone he said it was a constant downward spiral.

Stay away from the juice unless your responible enough to cope with the consequences that come with it.

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Well the pharmacist told me I could take a drink once in a while on my medication but I can't really get hammered. Most of the time when I go out, I am the designated driver so the most I'll drink in an evening is a beer. I let my friends get hammered instead, never been much of a drinker anyway since my father is an alcoolic and I want to be the exact opposite as he is. A good father that listens to his kids, takes care of them and that doesn't get divorced later because I am beein an ass to my whole family, I don't wanna drink and I want to think with my mind and not my ass

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My original point was more based around the fact that you are much more likely to develop a problem with/addiction to drugs or alcohol if you are depressive.

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i find the middle of the weeks the worst for mei always seem to be really down then. today is a good day and yesterday was good to. wendsday's and thursdays are the worst for me i dont no why. today was good becuse i was at the rink watching team canada practice then getting some autographs. but tomorrow is most likely going to be a bad day. i dont no if anyone else is like this.

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Yeah um, my friend got drunk at my house once. He was okay at first but we didn't know he was as depressed as he was. He ended up crying his eyes out and saying all kinds of things like "just let me die" and stuff like that... yeah stay away from the booze as much as possible...

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