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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does Anyone have there own curve?

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Marcelo's pro-blade on hockeyoutlets says "reverse Gretzky". What is that, a complete hook since Gretz used almost no curve?

it might be opposite hand of gretzky

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I have tones of custom curves. I have Brett Hull clones on some of my Easton Ultra-Xtremes.

Where you get those?

Make em'

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sorry to bring up an old post,but i now have my own curve..im starting my own stick company ,but i dont think they will ever go anywhere outside of my house.Im just buying blank wood sticks and painting them with my own graphics. I dont have alot of money and right now i have a couple blank black woods with my curve.



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We have a consensus custom curve in the shop that a bunch of guys use/used to use with TPS. Our XN10s have a massive toe curve on them, ala Havlat pros/Prospals. Fun to toe drag with, but thats about it.

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sorry to bring up an old post,but i now have my own curve..im starting my own stick company ,but i dont think they will ever go anywhere outside of my house.Im just buying blank wood sticks and painting them with my own graphics. I dont have alot of money and right now i have a couple blank black woods with my curve.



Good luck with your company.

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sorry to bring up an old post,but i now have my own curve..im starting my own stick company ,but i dont think they will ever go anywhere outside of my house.Im just buying blank wood sticks and painting them with my own graphics. I dont have alot of money and right now i have a couple blank black woods with my curve.



Good luck with your company.

Thanks, :D

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i have some custom azzali's and critians

i'll try and send a pic soon

me n me m8s all have the same curve so we all chipped in, now we have a supply that we can't get rid of :P lol

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We have a consensus custom curve in the shop that a bunch of guys use/used to use with TPS. Our XN10s have a massive toe curve on them, ala Havlat pros/Prospals. Fun to toe drag with, but thats about it.

I LOVE toe curves. Larger sweet spot for slap shots, quick flick of the wrist will give a zone clearing pop fly out to center.

Rafalski's pro curve is also a mean toe:


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