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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/16 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Started working out again this week, 4 weeks off working out and playing hockey is too damn much, and ive gained weight, so I'm annoyed. Started doing regular work outs plus stretches for my hip and knee and leg workouts to strengthen my knee, the nerve damage on my hip still hurts but its hurting less now that I'm being active again, I skated on Tuesday night as a forward and although my footspeed was trash (more trash than it usually is) I started to feel good again and felt my balance and mobility partially coming back. its a stepping stone, and oh right, new goalie pads arrive soon. it's getting real again.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Hope you don't mind me chiming in on this one. While not groundbreaking by any means, we took a look at all the edge checkers out there and took all the things we liked and improved them. This is the edge checker I would design if you let me go crazy (although Russ (the real engineer) gets most of the credit, I'll take a sliver). The main goal was to create a one-handed version, one that was very accurate AND quick/easy to install measure and move on. Here's what we have... -Wear plate on tippy bar: no more bad readings when the paint gets chipped or the metal wears down. -Tippy bar Storage: We've embedded a magnet in the base, and carved out a spot for the bar to sit in (and stay, thanks to the magnet). -Short Throat: We wanted our main two center lines to always be true center, we didn't like how some edge checkers function differently when used on short/worn down steel. Now, brand new steel and worn down steel will always use the true center line as, well, the true center line. -Spring Loaded Clip: Helps to keep this a one-handed tool -Recessed Edges: We found that when the tippy bar is the exact length of the base, sometimes it can be hard to read, so now the bars ends run off the edge of the tick marks making it easier to read. -Protection Wings: when the bar is being stored, we have two wings on each side that help guide it into place and keep it safe if/when it's dropped. I've attached a few pics of an "almost" final version. The real deal should be available sometime in August on our site.
  4. 1 point
    Paypal. Could make a case for it, but we'll see. Hopefully they'll go with the 10-and-1 option.

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