I wasn't happy with the results I got by measuring pictures of holders off of HockeyMonkey.com (There were unexplainable discrepancies probably due to distortions of images in post and/or my ability to "eyeball" the blade balance point in the picture). I had several pairs of skates passing through my garage this weekend so I killed some time by measuring the angles on each of the skates holders. The methodology was to stand the skate upright at it's natural balance point on the blade and take measurements with a digital caliper at the front of the front tower and the rear of the rear tower. In order to reduce measurement error, I did this five times, then rotated the skate and repeated the measurements. Then I repeated the entire process for the other skate and took the average values. I then took the InvTan( (RearHeight - FrontHeight) / HolderLength) ). If you choose to look at this table, please read the notes to understand the conditions of the skates measured. For example, the value for the Mako is AFTER my Mako's had approximately 0.5/32 pitch removed from them on the Blackstone shaper system (I think probably around 0.2 degrees). I realize that this doesn't take into consideration any additional pitch added by the boot itself or the insole. I wish I could have done it with new skates out of the box, but unfortunately I don't have any good enough friends at hockey stores that would let me borrow several thousand dollars in skates for a weekend. PLEASE NOTE: DEGREES ARE NOT THE SAME THING AS +1,+2,+3 ON CONTOURING SYSTEMS. http://i.imgur.com/JLKkrgC.png (EDIT: Changed to imgur for better image presentation)