Just skated/played on them for the first time. Comparing them to the Makos (and I LOVE the Makos)... In my opinion, there is absolutely no "pitch" adjustment going from Makos to VHs with CXN holders. That aspect felt identical. However, there was the feeling of not feeling quite right because it was a different skate. The feeling of wrap is much greater with the VHs. The VHs are more responsive than the Makos. I feel my edges much more. This must be because your foot it completely locked into the skate. Now this actually had a negative aspect for me. It somehow made the edges feel like they were sharper (biting more) and I didn't like it. I sharpen my own skates and I'm very anal about sharpening them so there was no difference in the sharpen. Some of my shakiness due to the extra feeling of bite went away by the end of the night. I don't know if I'll wait to get used to it or drop down a setting (I'm currently at 90-75, I have a 90-50 spinner but I have never tried it... now may be the time), They are much, much stiffer than the Mako. Along with the additional wrap, that may be why they are so responsive. I'm not sure that I like that much stiffness. On the other hand, I always felt my Mako's could have used a tad more stiffness. I feel like the extra stiffness may be limiting the flexion and snap a bit and making me a little slower than on the Makos (although I still think they feel faster than my previous U+CLs felt). Although it may be just because I haven't figured out how to skate efficiently on them yet. I initially felt like the boot felt a little bit lower (less lateral stability) than my Mako's (and I had felt like my Makos were lower than my U+CLs). I made the mistake of clamping down the laces to compensate but this just caused my feet to hurt. I loosened them up again and by the end of the night I wasn't feeling that "too low boot" feeling any more. I have flat feet and my right arch was killing me. I'm going to have to do something about that. I had to on my Makos too, I heat gunned the arch and pushed down on it. Hopefully that will take care of that issue. All in all, at this point I would still feel more "at home" in my Makos. But I think once I get the arch situation straightened out and get them laced at the proper tightness from the start I'll end up liking them more than my Makos.