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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/15 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Made a snappy glove save today. The puck made an exceptionally satisfying sound as it thumped into the pocket. I felt like I played well - and pretty much everyone came up to me and noted that I was suddenly playing a lot better, in particular the last two weeks. Maybe the new gear helps? Funny thing is, last week I was very nervous about anyone getting near me in the crease, because of being smashed into last month - but at the same time I've become a lot more aggressive with shooters and other trespassers. Coming out to challenge, poke-checking, prodding people's skates if they come too close for comfort. Butterfly slides are an elusive skill. I do kind of a sideways knee-shuffle although most of the propulsion is coming from shifting my hips. The new skates were, of course, freshly sharpened, but it was less irritating this time around than it was when I had the previous new skates. I think I should probably just tell the sharpener next time not to put so much bite into them. I've never asked for anything on my skates (player or goalie) that wasn't a standard hollow, so I'm not sure what to ask for. I probably won't need to ask for at least another couple of months, at least. Also this week I took my old pads and played goalie for some local roller hockey guys. Interesting contrast as always. Some of the roller hockey players gloat over their goals like they're in the Cup finals. Gets a bit tiresome, but you can't really be like hey, knock it off, scoring on me of all people is not an accomplishment, you know? Do other guys get irked when players do that? (I don't care if people are happy they scored, scoring is fun). If I remember, and can find a camera to do the job, I'll try and get some video next week.
  2. 1 point
    There are lots of other full custom insoles out there.
  3. 1 point
    There was an unplanned purchase of a Traeger smoker at Costco today, though I've been eyeballing them for over a year. Then I finished the day drinking this, it was my grandfathers, been sitting for a few years in moms's cabinet. Both now passed & my sister and I said, "time to run that bottle". Good day, stories while we killed that brought tears to my eyes more than once. Sucks getting old and having to rest your loved ones, celebrate they were GREAT! (Bittersweet) Some would think odd, the "sweet spot", but having a good drink with family, remembering our loved ones and the stories, sweet....bittersweet, but sweet all the same.
  4. 1 point
    Decided to dye some of the rocker arms orange a few weeks ago to match the accents on the skates.
  5. 1 point
    Those Holmstrom's made out of rebar?!?
  6. 1 point
    Just bought a Alkali RPD Backpack... As im 5'5 and my kit consists of size 6 Alkalis, size 13" gloves and shins..i opted for the JR size bag (also coupled with the fact i drive a small 2 seat roadster). The bag is awesome! Love the vent features, and the material! Really feels like a quality bag. Good job guys!
  7. 1 point
    I do. In fact, I have 55 flex on mine and still leave the top undone. I even tried the top 2 undone, but that was a bit too much. I came from Tones always leaving the top 2 undone. I should say though, that I've backed off the aggressive pitch on mine. I think if you give enough flex at the ankle, you don't need the aggressive pitch to "force" you into a good skating position. If you have the fore/aft flex at the ankles, you can get the ankle/knee bend on a more neutral pitch. With the aggressive pitch, I always felt unstable when battling on the boards or really doing anything where I wasn't moving at speed. My 2 cents.
  8. 1 point
    Hawks Winter Classic
  9. 1 point
    Love how my MyBauer 1X turned out! Big fan of how the only MyBauer logo is on the top of the shaft, not plastered all over the stick. USA color scheme, P14 pattern, 77 flex, griptac and full tactile grip as well. Missed having the full tactile grip.

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