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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/15 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I'm a civilian and was the first car upon the scene of a tractor-trailer turnover three years ago. I pulled the driver out, and his wife was impaled by the guardrail below him. Messed me up. I'm on the board of the local fire district, and the fire station chaplain was a HUGE help to me. They can relate in a way that a civilian counselor probably can't. Do talk to the counselor for the company. What were the patient's chances before you arrived? Near zero. What were the patient's chances when you got there? You pushed it to near 50-50. You did your best and there was nothing more you could do. Thank you for your service to your community. While you are not on the ice and there are no pluses and minuses in your work, I do hope you get a save soon. (But do process it before boxing it up and sending it away!!) Emotions make us human, so they have to be dealt with...so deal with them, and get straight and square for that next human who desperately needs your skills and intellect. Gallows humor seems brash to civilians, but it is what keeps many emergency responders and soldiers sane. If it helps you, use it; especially if it helps you to voice your emotions, get them out, process them, and move forward.
  2. 2 points
    Speaking as someone who may need those specific services in the future, just be confident in your process and trust your training.
  3. 2 points
    Sent these, and some other simple repairs, over to Pat at Custom Pro Repair and he worked his magic on them. They started off as these: And came back as these: Specs: New Pearl Mustang palms, tightened 1/2" at the wrist-1/4" white Mesh gussetsAX1 style bindingShortened fingers from 14" to 13"Baby blue carbon pinky stripe and Hossa cuffYakupov split on top of cuffAnisimov split on bottom cuff
  4. 1 point
    Pretty sweet wheels for a little guy(or girl)! I hope they like them. If they liked the Ribcores. at least you know they will be comfortable. Good job, Dad.
  5. 1 point
    I'm not a firefighter - I work for a private ambulance company. The company does have people, but I actually have a therapist of my own anyway, and I do feel better much better today after hashing it out with him. I know I did the best CPR I could (the medics, my FTO and the ER staff all told me this). Mainly, it's just a new situation that I have no frame of reference for, and I'm trying to take stock of it so I have a context next time I work a code. I am eager to work again (Tuesday), not worried about that.
  6. 1 point
    Now that I think about it, the specs of the X-01 say that it spins at something less than 5500RPM (that's a "no load" speed). If I were to guess, I might guess that it spins at about 2/3rds the no load speed... that would put it at around 3666 RPM. That would mean in the approximate one second pass that I do, there would be around 61 fish scale marks on a blade... On a typical blade that would put them about 0.47 centimeters apart. That sounds about right. I think the reason a slow final pass will reduce the apparent fish scale is that if your 1 second pass becomes something like a five second pass, the space between the marks becomes less than a millimeter, making them much less noticeable. Most of the force is applied across (x-direction) not in (z-direction). Also I think that the approximate 61 times a second that the wheel would bump you back out would effectively keep you from moving it in against the "low spots". I just don't think the relatively small pressure applied inward would be enough to modulate in the z direction that quickly.
  7. 1 point
    Worked my first cardiac arrest on Sunday, and still working on processing it. Very new, very intense experience. Wish I could spend the week playing hockey and sorting my emotions out before I go back on my next shift, unfortunately that's not feasible.
  8. 1 point
    To learn to skate, probably yes. Take a skating class for a month or so...then hit open hockey. I see a Learn to Play Hockey at the same site: http://pennsauken.flyersskatezone.com/lesson-programs-4/lesson-programs/learn-to-play-hockey It sounds ideal.
  9. 1 point
    Man, I just having a tough time getting by "27" as an advanced age. Though I've skated for years, I played my first actual league game 1 year ago & am 45, so apparently near placement in senior living. Don't know who these cats are, who are telling you that being able to compete at a rookie league or D league, is going to be difficult to achieve, if not impossible. In a nutshell, they're asshats. There are variables, time spent practicing, being an athlete/athletic ability ect., but it's not exactly learning heart replacement surgery.

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