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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/15 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    After a very hot day here (41°C = about 106°F), played two games back to back, both filling in for other teams. Game one was one of the worst in my career, letting in five goals from just 15 shots (0.666). Back in to play the second game, turned it around for a 6-1 win, jumping the SV% back up to a 0.941 making me feel a lot better. Only one that got through, the opposing Centre screened me perfectly, and annoyed me just enough to push the catcher into his back exactly as the shot went off. If I didn't let him distract me, I may have shut the five hole in time, as my positioning was spot on. Took a couple glove saves that the same guy screening me turned around and said "how the &$%^& did you see that???" because even in front of me, he couldn't track the puck from the slap shot, yet I effortlessly took it. Tried to get back into his head by down-playing it - always act like you've been there before :)
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Well, I just lost my starting spot. My team wants me to skate out and have another skater replace me. They need the help on defense. And I haven't exactly been helping them in net either. Of course they say it's only temporary. We have some injured better players, and they say I'll go back in net once they don't need me out and him in net anymore. But we all know how that works. Once the team starts doing better, and they see me out and have solid goaltending they aren't going to want to switch.
  4. 1 point
    You are making great progress! Definitely keep both hands on the stick when you turn and put the blade into the side you are turning on. This helps shift your weight and body which gives you the edge bite you need to make a quick turn. I know you are trying hard to do everything perfect but you need to let your body relax. You look very stiff. Your body has trouble doing things if everything is tense. Don't forget to breath, this is another mistake people make. Before you know it you will get comfortable with things and your body will go into auto pilot.
  5. 1 point
    I just ordered a couple sets today. I got the x900 replacements baked and skated in them today but felt like the toe box had some extra room. I'll give these a shot because otherwise the skates are great so far.
  6. 1 point
    When I was at an all-age stick and puck, there was one kid who would shoot at my cage, and there was another who would shoot at my crotch area. Needless to say, that got old. Cage shots are noisy, and your cup only prevents injury, not stingers. I warned both kids that if they were to get the puck anywhere near those areas again, I would leave the crease when they would come up to shoot. Cage aimer didn't believe me until the time AFTER he dinged me in the cage AGAIN. Needless to say the next time he was up, I skated to the bench. He complained to the manager on duty, who then asked him,"What did bunnyman tell you about aiming at the cage?" Crotch shooter stopped aiming there as soon as I left the crease on Cage Aimer. Now having been a tendy, I know what I like in a warm up. Shoot at my glove, shoot at my blocker, shoot at my stick. Don't deke me until I have had a few shots on those areas. Don't go threefer (as in three guys shooting at once), or I will leave the crease. And if I skate out again, I will not deke the goalie and will keep the shots low in warm up.

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