I play in a league that had some sort of sponsorship deal with All Black Sticks for a few seasons. Each season, a player or two would win a free stick. The people who won these for free didn’t like them, and generally didn’t use them. This is only a sample size of six people or so, but even when people pay for them the best reviews I see are “it’s good for the money” or “I can’t tell the difference.”
If you know where to look and be patient, they aren’t good for the money. These are people who bought a thing, and want to feel good about it, so they leave a good review. And for people who say things like “I don’t care, I can’t tell a difference,” these aren’t people with nuanced views from whom you want to accept advice.
I’m overly cost conscious in my typical day to day life. I love a good value, and will spend extra time and energy to save money. I have literally NEVER* seen a stick from a discount supplier that is a good value and worth what you spend on it. Typically, you are getting less bang for your buck. People are charmed by the idea of getting a “good deal,” and focus more on that than whether it actually plays well relative to what you paid.
*A few people on here who I really trust stand behind the Prohockeysticks.com stuff. I haven’t used or seen one in person. But, for the same $130 -$140 you are paying them, you can probably find a new prostock stick from a big name manufacture that meets your needs. I think the advantage that site offers is being able to order weird curves pretty easily. If you’re fine using a 92/88/28 curve, you should be able to find one fairly easily in the $110 - $130 range.