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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/22 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    The problem for me with that video is that while all the jargon is true, that’s not people think about sticks flexing, and not how hockey players have discussed flex in real world terms in the history of hockey sticks. When we as hockey players say “75 flex” or “95 flex” we are taking about the general feel in the bend of the shaft for how much force we are putting on it, and how the feel of that force relates to each other. That True video is needlessly adding all this complicated discussion of materials so they can say “well technically the flex doesn’t change.” But we all know damn well from experience it does. It’s needlessly complicated and just creates confusion. It’s some heavy breathing neckbeard nerd shit meant to mislead people. Maybe we should have been using the term “leverage” for the past 40 years to discuss flex instead of the word “flex.” But, we didn’t, and no reason to try to mess with it now. Shut up, True.
  2. 2 points
    I've been on the lookout for tech mesh HyperLites. Do you have any pictures/image links? If you look for game used HyperLites, it appears Bauer has a grey and black outsole variant with a similar if not the same construction as the neon retail version.
  3. 1 point
    Sticking with the wrong way of thinking just because it's always been that way is silly. It's like saying I know the Earth goes around the Sun, but we'll just keep saying it's the other way around because it's easier for me to comprehend. You know what's really confusing if you don't know any better? Seeing two Vapor sticks, both 85flex, but one is 3 inches taller. By the old way of thinking, if I cut three inches off the longer stick, it's 100 flex compared to the shorter one that remains 85flex. Imagine buying a stick based on that way of thinking? Oh this is a 100 flex, why is it so whippy? True makes 65 senior sticks now. Imagine trying to compare a senior 65 flex at 60 inches tall to a 70 flex intermediate that's 57 inches tall. By the old way of thinking, If I cut three inches off that senior stick, it's an 80 flex. So if I normally us a 70 flex at 57 inches and want to try an 80 flex stick, I should by that senior 65 flex and simply cut, right? And gosh forbid, what if they they change the stock height of a stick line I like? If I normally cut three inches off, but now it's only one or two, does that mean the new sticks might too whippy for me? Should I go up in flex? That's the kind of crap people have to deal with when thinking that way. And I bet companies like Bauer and CCM love it, because the confusion means more errors when choosing a stick. More errors in purchases means more sales, because there's no returns once you cut and play with the stick. Knowing flex is an absolute number and simply thinking of length as leverage, means less variables to worry about, and it makes all that confusion above go away. if cut a stick my preferred height I lose leverage, so I have to choose a flex that allows me to bend the stick. Simple as that. No need to do math to get a pseudo flex rating. No need to worry about all the different lengths from all the different brands. No need to deal with the change in stock heights of sticks changing the calculated flex rating.
  4. 1 point
    Or... and hear me out... stop trying to change what people already talk about to sound smarter than everyone else and continue putting the little "+ 5 flex" marks on the top of the sticks that people have done for years.
  5. 1 point
    The industry as a whole has been brutal at this sort of thing. Flex ratings should be a standard that all brands follow. A 75 flex warrior should feel roughly the same as a 75 flex Bauer. I know there are other factors at play like kick point but it should be relatively close.
  6. 1 point
    You are correct. Many skates the pros are using are custom in more than just fit. For example, I still see skates that "look" like a Hyperlite but they are made with a tech mesh material; Carbon outsoles, TPU outsole, Hyperlite outsole. I also have seen CCM 80K skates that are dressed in 100K graphics, they are easy to spot since you can see the boot in not one-piece and is instead separated into a boot and an outsole.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Here's a video that will help you understand what flex is. The short of it is the flex rating is a property of the material that the stick is made from. That doesn't change. What changes when you cut the stick is the amount of leverage you have to flex the stick. It's like taking a chopstick and breaking it in half. The wood of the chopstick didn't change, but smaller pieces are more difficult to break with your hands because you don't have as much leverage.
  9. 1 point

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