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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/23 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Imagine having the extra time and disposable income to buy $1k+ custom skates you don’t want or need or even like just to endlessly complain about them before you get them, ignore advice to help them fit, and assert a bunch of unfounded assumptions, all so you can make some protracted internet argument, while lashing out at people offering advice and saying “you guys are all True fanboys, Bauer skates is the best 4eva.” It’s like when a child throws a tantrum about not wanting to eat a food that they’ve never even tried, but in those cases the child didn’t go out and spend a bunch of energy getting that food.
  2. 1 point
    I did this and it didn't really work. Maybe I didn't flare it out enough. I was thinking of flaring the outside cuff so there's some give on that side so there's room for the ankle to move and not mainly sit up against the inside cuff. It was just a thought. I don't want to end up flaring the cuff so much that it totally messes with the lock and wrap of the boot. The area isn't just solely the top of the cuff but also a bit lower too as it's pretty hard in that area with minimal padding. This is that picture of the general area. The first two pics are my current cat pros and the last was my tf customs. As you can see the wrap is similar. But maybe it's just diff enough to cause me issues with the current skates. I also noticed that the cuff area just before the top eyelet has a bit more padding in the tf customs vs the cat pros which is pretty hard. I have a game plan right now and hopefully it'll work.
  3. 1 point
    Take a peek at the 2023 Bauer catalog; they carried over the WM series for mission another year. To me this means they might just ride this line out - wasn't there news of them closing down the Mission hockey office in California? Seems like that writing is on the wall especially since they make their roller vapors with a fit 2 - basically same as the Missions which were a supreme fit.

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