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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/25 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I think it's pretty much confirmed by the pictures. No other stick had that exact font and stripe on the underside. It's definitely a pshs.
  2. 1 point
    I actually did this mod on the traditional felt with t guard true tongues in my Bauer matrix skates I converted to inline. The stock tongues had wear on the edge of the felt which gave me a hot spot on the outside of my shin around the cuff area on the boot. So I bought some true tongues, but in order for the middle of the t guard to line up with the flex point of the skate, I had to shorten the tongue which I did by cutting AND tapering the bottom of the tongue so it would feel more stock like. It worked great as I kept the Velcro system. I kept a flap of material from the stock tongues and added a hook velcro on that so I didn't have to sew into the toe box. Looking back, I actually think the cat 9 or 9x4 tongue you have would've worked better in terms of overall volume. The traditional felt with t guard is quite thick but it still worked fine overall, and it's only for inlines that I wear like 5-6 times a year at most. I also was able to look at the 3d tongues in store and they do seem very thick. And the fact that they don't look like they break in really at all, seems like of it doesn't feel right off the bat it's likely not going to get much better over time.
  3. 1 point
    Quick update on the 3D printed tongues as I've now had 4 sessions in them. I'm still on the fence about these tongues for the long run. The tweaks I made after the first use made them work much better. I still get a little bit of pressure around the ball of my foot by about the 3rd period of a game. Socks still get soaked. I do think they'll work better in my pair of TF9 since the toe box area is much larger and this will take up some of that space without putting pressure on my foot. Since the TF9 are for roller, I think the ventilation benefits will work better too. I did end up cutting off a few inches of the stock 9X4 tongue and tried them out for a few hours on the ODR. Shortening them to the height of the felt tongues made a tremendous impact in comfort for me. If I do decide to put the 3D printed tongues on my inline, I'm going to give the stock tongues another shot on my ice skates. Can't really tell on the photos, but I threw a stitch down at the end like they come from the factory to ensure nothing unravels. At some point I'll likely shave down some of the foam so it tapers a bit and then use a nicer cross stitch so it appears more finished and less DIY
  4. 1 point
    It isn't confirmed that it is PRO, and I tried to get it confirmed and he won't... but if you use logic it is obviously a PRO stick.

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