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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/19 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I'm not in tune with how hockey company's usually deal with "issues" but I'd very definitely be revisiting this with Bauer, Politely point out the 5 days out of warranty when you found it and how skaters are pretty brand loyal when it comes to skates.They can keep or loose a customer. Do this both verbally and in writing. Sometimes it's not about the costs.......it's what's right. Kid's going to need several pairs of skates over the next few years.....if they wouldn't help me it would be the last piece of any Bauer equipment I'd EVER buy! Dave
  2. 4 points
    You are missing the point I am making. We are making the skates to the exact measurements of your foot. After doing that, an individual still has preferences in regard to comfort due to how the foot acts / moves in a skate. This is why the skates need to be baked, the bake dials in the fit of the boot to your preference even though the skate is made to your foot. I am in no way saying someone should pay $1000 for a skate that does not fit, I am saying that since you are spending $1000 on a pair of custom skates you have the ability to tweak and adjust the skates to your exact specification. This is a pro rather than a con, True is using some of the best materials on the market to allow for this exceptional fit and adjustment throughout the life of the boot. And once you make a few adjustments, they hold throughout the life of the skate. With any brand, if you arent willing to work with your representative when ordering a custom skate you need to reevaluate your attitude slightly. Major adjustments - yes, there is most likely something wrong with the fit. But small adjustments are to be expected.
  3. 2 points
    Agreed, unfortunately, they and/or the customer service rep seem to think it's related to game play "We are very sorry but as the skate cut/puncture/crack is a result of game-related impact..." Again, I'm fairly new at this but it doesn't look at all like a cut or puncture. I'm going to call them today. It kinda stink to avoid Bauer from here on out but they're not giving us any reason to stay with them.
  4. 1 point
    Yeah, that does go without saying, no question. I’d be so curious to see how many players actually have/had ribs, a metal faceplate, a self-healing gel or any of the other unique features in their actual stick that the retail models have/had.
  5. 1 point
    Howdy, This reads to me like they think the damage is related to game play, not that you timed out of the warranty. Given that this is a crack and doesn't seem to be related to a skate cut or something, I would push back pretty hard on this determination. At a minimum I'd be on the phone with someone from Bauer. And yeah, put me in the "if they didn't do something, I would avoid Bauer in the future" camp. Mark
  6. 1 point
    There are plenty of people in this world with disposable income that waste money on products in order to have their "I told you so" moment. It sounds so illogical, but you'd be surprised how often this happens. As for custom anything, in my experience (as with my Trues), just because it's custom doesn't mean you don't have to tweak it to final spec. In my case, when I got my Trues: I had to play around with the footbeds, take out one of the toe cap inserts they put in, change out the steel (totally out of preference), and change the laces. However, if I didn't go custom, my usual process with off the shelf retail was: trying on different sizes until I got the right length, stretching the forefoot width of the boots, punching out the spot for my pinky toes, THEN play with footbeds, change out laces, etc...etc... Not to mention, I would have to wear Bunga pads for the first 6-8 hours of skating in order to break the skates in and relieve hot spot areas, which I didn't have to do at all with my Trues. Trues are not for everyone. Not everyone needs a custom skate. But for me, having one foot that's about 3/4 bigger than the other, they have been great, along with the perks of not having to deal with so many mods and the painful break in process. And as I said previously, IMHO you won't need to have to make many mods at all if you have a good True fitter.
  7. 1 point
    You'd be surprised at how people waste time and money, I've had people pay tremendous money just so that they can say that they've tried it and "gave it a fair shot".
  8. 1 point
    I would imagine most people who go with true skates are ones that have issues with skates NOT fitting properly out of box... Otherwise they wouldn't spend all the money on custom skates.
  9. 1 point
    All that money and still getting gear on closeout. 😆 And yes I know he doesn't pay for it the team does and yadda yadda yadda......
  10. 1 point
    More so, why would someone pluck down the cash for something they don't like or don't believe in.... As to the point about adjustments. When you buy skates that are sold to you as being custom made to your feet. Dosn't that come with the impression or a certian level of confidence they will fit perfectly, if not, shouldn't it? I mean, what's the point of buying them if they have to be "adjusted", "tweaked" or "dialed in"? If they do require work afterwards, are you really getting what you paid for? Isnt it fair to question that? This is the problem with offering something like this to the masses. How many people actually need custom made skates opposed to those who want them simply because it's unique...
  11. 1 point
    He’s head to toe in discontinued gear 😄 V08 helmet HG55 (CL500) gloves Supertacks 1.0 stick 2015 Jetspeed skates
  12. 1 point
    Second pair of True skates that came in today with the fabric liners. http://imgur.com/gallery/od8yhIn

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