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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Just do like most Refs in our men's league when there's only 1, skate blue line to blue line and make sure you stay on the side the score keeper sits so you don't have to skate to far if something happens...
  2. 1 point
    I've done many games by myself in the past. You need to be with the play as much as possible but also be aware of what might be happening behind the play. You have to be confident in your calls and also call it a little tight early. Leave no wiggle room for guys to start taking liberties. Any bullshit after the whistle puts someone in the box and never be afraid to tack an extra either on the guy who started it or the guy who decides he wants the last shot that keeps anything from cooling down. Be vocal when any kind of gathering happens around the net letting guys know that you've got X player for the original and telling them the next shot or whatever is also going. When I've spotted a delayed call for any physical penalty (rough, slash, etc.) I'll let out a "I've got him, skate away" or "Don't retaliate, I've got him." One of my favorite memories was doing a midget select game (here that is 16-17 year olds) by myself. I was sweating more than any player at the end of that one. About a week after I saw the guy who put me on that game and he asked me, "what happened in that game?" I told him nothing special and asked why. He proceeded to tell me that he had heard from both teams that is was one of the best officiated games they had in quite a while.
  3. 1 point
    The trm “negative space” refering to skates. So many rip on marketing jargon then use this term to sound knowledgeable. So, is negative space actually a pressure point? If not, then it is just excess space...
  4. 1 point
    I've got the old style Hockeyshot dry land tiles. I've been really happy with them. However, if were to buy them again today I would get the tiles you can skate. It's my understanding that you shouldn't even stand on the regular tiles with you skate because you will cut up the tile.
  5. 1 point
    Just heat moulded my as1s. Coming offf true skates there's really no comparison as they are both very different skates. The as1 are very comfy but again I've been spoiled by the comfort of the trues. The right skate on the as1 had some discomfort near the medial instep Area similar to lacebite. This was just from walking around. Hopefully this issue goes away or isn't apparent while skating. Not sure why it's happening as I've never had lacebite issues before. Interested to see how they feel on the ice.
  6. 1 point
    Season has 1 more game and the playoffs yet. I am not looking to get money back. I was hoping there was something we could do to help prevent this from happening in the future to other kids. My son will be fine as we have talked about it and he said he won’t let a bad coach keep him from playing. I have contacted USA hockey about the situation and the adm regional manager is supposed to contact me tomorrow.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    I treat the unofficial "1-man" system the same way we are called to approach a 3-man (1R + 2L) as the ref (wear the bands/swimmies haha). That approach is, to put it simply, to trail the puck and keep the action in front of you. Obviously there are unique situations and you have the help of the linesmen but the overall ideology can be applied to going "solo." Keeping ahead of the play takes away any accountability for the trailers on both teams.
  9. 1 point
    At least they did the Call/text email tonight, notifying us school is delayed two hours tomorrow because it's cold. In the winter. In New England.
  10. 1 point
    Yes we do. In fact I am calling you personally tomorrow at 3am!!

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