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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by BenderHockey

  1. Then it sounds like the kid I was watching might have been just learning. But it was really bad.
  2. I was in there yesterday, and was watching one of them sharpen skates. What I saw and heard was just DREADFUL. I know I can never go there for a skate sharpening now....
  3. I had 4 removed at 11am. That night at 7 had a tournament with two games that night.
  4. I guess that's awesome directions, as long as you know where lazyboys used to be! lol
  5. Just bought a new Kayak. Malibu Two by Ocean Kayak. Can't wait for my upcoming 3 day weekend. I'll have to be called in for dinner like I was a kid again! :)
  6. Any chance you work in a different time zone than the one you live in? Either that or someone might have been messing with you.
  7. Gotta say, I DO miss the Mrs....
  8. 18 hours in three days? My god, how are you still alive after being so terribly overworked?!?!
  9. Doors off... top down... not a chance of rain... temps in 80's. This is what a Jeep is all about. :lol:
  10. It'll be nice to finally see a talented Home Team play there again.....
  11. No, the one's who only report facts. I don't think I get that channel.
  12. True, but had he been normal sized, he wouldn't have been able to play an 8 year old for those 8 seasons.
  13. Dio was a legend, hands down. Gary Coleman started out being known for being short, then became more known for being a bitter asshole, not that I could blame him. How many normal sized security guards would stop you by laying on the hood of your car?
  14. Dio was only taller than Coleman by a nappy hair. Figures the week Mack changes the thread name, two or three actual celebrities die.
  15. Got my lights all installed and wired up, UPS dropped off my new shocks/springs this morning, and I'm staring at a 4 day weekend, starting tomorrow night!
  16. I don't know the details, but I would consider it safe to assume you took someone's money and failed to send an item, or something else equally dick-ish. Why else would you be labeled a "Bad Seller". Also, +1 to Krev's post.
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