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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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11 Good

About zebra_steve

  • Birthday 12/09/1965


  • Skates
    CCM U+ CL's
  • Stick
    ProKennex Dimension4 Shaft with Easton ST balde
  • Gloves
    Franklin 9505
  • Helmet
    CCM MHT2
  • Pants
    CCM Supra HP610
  • Shoulder Pads
    Sherwood Classic 5030
  • Elbow Pads
    Cooper EK46\EP700 or Jofa ASD
  • Shin Pads
    Jofa ASD
  • Hockey Bag
    custom from the 1980's

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South Western PA
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  1. Daoust Super National 501 - Loved them had several pairs and would still be using them if they were still made. - Custom boot Bauer Supreme 100 - with BLACK SLM blades... they seemed to hold an edge MUCH better than the white ones. - Stock boot Bauer Supreme Comps - Heavier than my 501's but comfortable. Daoust (and Lange) was bought by Canstar and they really cheapened the 501's before killing them - Custom boot Graf Supra 707 - Comfortable but fell apart way too soon. - Custom boot CCM Crazy Light - Most comfortable "modern boot" that I've had..... Custom boot. I'm old school and learned to skate on boots that allowed for forward ankle bend and foot\toe extension ant the end of the stride. Back then, we did everything we could to get them as laterally stiff as possible but still have the proper hinge.... If you've never worn a pair of stitched leather boots that were properly broken in to your feet then you have no idea what comfortable skares really are.
  2. Well, Saw the Ortho today... She's not worried about the break, said it should heal just fine without a cast. That's a good thing 'cuz I was not looking forward to having a cast crotch to floor.... but she's more concerned about my ankle - said that my ankle injury is "sort of like a high ankle sprain, but worse"???? SOOOOOO, It's "RICE" and wait.....
  3. I just wanna forget 2013... Started it with a med grade PCL tear, torn cartridge and meniscus right knee.. back on the ice August and now this.... Left leg just below my knee plus some sort of splinter fracture just above my ankle and a really badly twisted ankle... Seeing Otho doc tomorrow - at least it wasn't the spiral fracture of the tibia that I feared when I did it:
  4. On the Ti Nitride coating... didn't ccm have this on their SLM blades back int the 1980's? ChrisMolnar, Just curious, did your dad do a rockwell C test? Polish and etch the samples to compare grain structure - photo-micrographs maybe? Maybe some sort of spectrometer test to determine the chemical composition of the samples? I'd be curious about the details as I've spent some time in a metallurgy lab myself.....
  5. That's great to hear... In my players case, he got them sharpened but the edge was slightly off (not level) in the front half of both skates. I could see it when I looked after the game at the parents request. The player didn't notice it during the game.
  6. Got a question for ya.... mainly because I had a kid with this issue tonight and I forgot my round and slip stones at home - lucky that they had no wait so it was not an issue. You have that hour plus back up and a kid comes off the ice early in the first period with a totally blown edge.... do ya grind his skates ASAP or tell him that it "sucks to be you" and you'll have them done in time for tomorrow afternoons game?
  7. HAHAHA..... I had a similar situation before my last job.... One wanted to hire me but was worried I would bail after a month or two as I had a consulting firm wanting to bring me on for a bit more money (but the interview process would take a month or more) but I would have been traveling 75% of the time and had a 2 yr old at home. I needed to have cash coming in and didn't want to do that to the wife and kid so I took the more stable position and was there for 9 years.
  8. Had three phone interviews today. One didn't work out, one possibly has me in the running for a position as a Global Network Admin (Contract to hire @ $39/hr). The third waived the face to face interview and is moving forward with tendering an offer on a 6 month contract position..... probably about $25/hr. Now I have to decide if I take an offer and get back to work after 17 months without a job or hope that I get offered the bigger $$ position.
  9. Was long enough ago that I can't "prove" it was them.... not gonna make an issue of it. It was part of a package deal for some basic maintenance and a state inspection.... It all turned out OK.... Mechanic fixed that and a leaking power steering system, as well as cleaning all of the oil and power steering fluid out of the engine compartment for $60....
  10. Went to meet the rest of the crew to carpool to a game Friday night. Oil pressure warning comes on as I reach the parking lot where we were meeting. No time to deal with it... worry about it after we get back. get back at midnight and there is a huge puddle of oil under the car.... UH OH! Have the drop me at home and call the garage first thing in the morning. He can't get it towed over until about 4pm so no car for the weekend.... Mechanic just called to tell me that the wrong oil filter was on the car and it was blowing past the seal - Last place to change the oil was a fricking DEALERSHIP! JEEEZE! At least it wasn't a main seal that would've required an engine rebuild.
  11. BCS, I can feel your pain..... Been there, done that... every one new to the job hunt is in the same position.... It's not any easier on this side of the fence - Yeah, I have 9 years experience but no 4 year degree.... I've also been on the other side of the interview process and usually an HR pencil pusher is screening the resume's and figure that someone fresh out of school with a sheepskin is somehow better than someone with a decade of real world experience. Right now it's a buyers market... I've actually seen postings for entry level Helpdesk support positions that require a 4 year degree AND 5 years experience! Yeah right....
  12. Cory, At least you HAVE a job... I've been unemployed and looking since September of 2009! And since we're venting..... All those companies and consulting agencies that tell you that you had a great interview and you'll be hearing about the "next step" in their interview process - and then you never hear from them again!
  13. I have my own wheel and can put whatever ROH on it that I want. You would think that it would be easy.... I've tried to shallow up numerous times. The thing is, I'm refereeing games literally every other day and I cannot afford to skate on what feels like dull blades.... It's not fair to the players if my game is off because I feel like I'm sliding around too much. I would have to try to do it over the summer while playing - provided I could make the time to play twice a week. I have hardly ever been off the ice for more than two consecutive weeks in the past 20 years and have been skating 3\8 ROH for over 30 years. A whole bunch of muscle memory to overcome....
  14. Ok so here's my question then.... I've tried a 100/75 but the edges were uneven so it was hard to tell if the bite was too much or sufficient... It was "grabby" but this could easily have been the unevenness of the edges. If it turns out that 100\75 does have just a bit more bite than I want, what other profile would you suggest? Like I said, I want to get a set of runners done 100/75 (again) and a second set a little tamer.... This is a lot easier to accomplish if you have taken a long time off v.s.when you are on the ice almost daily. If a deeper hollow is what you are used to (and especially if you keep good, fresh edges on your skates) then you have to be willing to go for quite a while skating on what "feels like" dull skates.
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