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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bostonjuniorblackhawks

  1. yeah never noticed it until you asked
  2. UMaine One90's Ducks 852's Peoria 852's Havlat Wild EPROS(according to the sticker) Sick digi palms Warrior Bonafides Naslund Van XXXX's
  3. who knows. Was supposed to get two 9K's
  4. yup. Tried on a different 10K and a 9K glove as well and the felt like crap. Sauce sent me one 9k and one 10k.........
  5. Both the 10K gloves and kfs pro gloves I had had awful fingers.
  6. I guess you still have some catching up to do . Awesome gloves though
  7. I think you've proven your point about the current fit of the creeper. Just curious if you have any experience with older ones?
  8. I think warrior must have changed the fit of the creeper at some point........I have a pair of custom creepers that are a few years old and say mia on the thumb logo. They're tighter than a pair of vapor xxxx's IMO http://i806.photobucket.com/albums/yy350/rscorcoran/n885360601_3538557_16781.jpg http://i806.photobucket.com/albums/yy350/rscorcoran/20379_1326856256878_1395086648_9169.jpg http://i806.photobucket.com/albums/yy350/rscorcoran/20379_1326856296879_1395086648_9169.jpg
  9. going to go check those out thursday
  10. You mean you have been looking for a reasonably price pair? Probably won't happen
  11. I actually been skating for a while, I just haven't had anywhere to play a game due to my injury and age. I was off the ice for about 5 months intially and it was tough not being able to skate.
  12. playing my first game tonight since I tore my acl almost a year ago. I never got to the point where I was comfortable playing juniors again and I wasn't old enough to play beer league so I'm pretty excited. It's non contact 3 on 3 but it's a start.
  13. A well respected member on here posted this as his personal opinion on what is the most durable palm. It goes from least durable to most durable and mustang is towards the bottom, so I think you will be fine.
  14. jesus. Never realized how late in the season some mountains are open.
  15. there will still be enough snow come july ?
  16. jeeze late ski season out there. When does it usually end? Congrats. It sucks when you have to deal with a pain in the ass seller or broker
  17. I'm sorry to hear that. Life truly does suck sometimes. I was at a mass today for my dad's best friend who was like family to us. He was 44 when he passed away from cancer. My prayers go out to her parents as well, it's an awful thing to outlive one of your children
  18. it is. Much better than dunkin donuts or starbucks IMO
  19. thanks, I'll def try to get to some of the places you mentioned. We snagged one of the time shares even though we don't own a time share so we've been cooking alot I went snorkeling yesterday and saw the Antilla. Great time minus the cheap rum
  20. 04 gmc denali. I've saved up $2000 and got a job so I can spend more.
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