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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bostonjuniorblackhawks

  1. anyone know alot about truck wheels? I was looking at lexani and giovanna's.
  2. That sucks. Have you thought about a radar?
  3. no, volume inside of the glove is the difference. You won't find gussets as big as sturms on any retail glove
  4. Yeah. I notice the tall guessets more when wearing them though yeah I have the silver shield
  5. Those sturm gloves are made the same as mine sturm winter classics. Big gussets indeed!!
  6. Steve, I assume your talking about the tbl ones because they aren't on the site. Are they going to order the correct ones?
  7. Those are samsonov's so I don't know why your calling them tsr vapor xxxx's............ Even though the liner's are called the same thing, the one on pro gloves is different. It feels thicker I do as well. Not saying there's a huge difference
  8. If you quoted his post it would have been clear. You quoted mine so I was a bit confused. My bad
  9. What are you talking about......... 1. They're not my gloves 2. I already said they were the gloves you posted a link to
  10. Did some digging. Actually they are. You can tell by the nike bauer logo on the cuff. Carolina Pro stocks wouldn't have black behind the bauer wording on the cuff, it would be red like on these gloves http://cgi.ebay.com/PRO-STOCK-VAPOR-XXXX-HOCKEY-GLOVES-SAMSONOV-14_W0QQitemZ160423325641QQcategoryZ20853QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286.m7QQ_trkparmsZalgo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D3%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D8010708330796910211 there was two different retail xxxx gloves, one leather with the weird palm and the other the "pro" which is nylon. Your gloves are the retail "pro"
  11. If those xxxx's are retail, the cuff isn't -1
  12. Nice. Be prepared to see everyone in a snapback lol It's on and off. I was at the Wiz concert at UMASS in November(Had to leave before anyone went on because people can't handle their booze ) and saw Mac right before Christmas in Boston. Then they performed together in Atlantic City a few days after Christmas. Saw Mac again at UMASS a few weeks ago and both him and Wiz will perform together at UMASS Lowell and UNH in the spring. Doesn't help that neither of them don't have an offical tour dates list that's accurate edit just found this http://irockcollege.com/profiles/blogs/wiz-khalifa-amp-mac-miller Seems at the end of the month they will be done with their own tours and go on tour together
  13. It's not..............rotators cuffs are a b**** to repair. My uncle had to have one arm done twice and the other still needs to be done. It's a tough recovery IMO
  14. Havn't found a pair I like. Drew, that was the only I could fit em in one picture
  15. current to date collection............
  16. When I was there last month it seems pretty organized to me. All the blades were on a rack and not in bins. Workers were pretty nice as well
  17. One of the best creeper color combo's I've seen
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