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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by NextBobbyOrr

  1. Helmet: Bauer 8500 Neck Guard: I dunno the number I think N8? But it's bauer. Shoulder Pads:Bauer One 30 Elbow Pads: Bauer One 30 Shin Guards: Bauer One 30 Pants:Rbk 7k Gloves: Rbk 9k Skates: Rbk 10k Sticks: (Waiting for my new main stick to come back from Warranty: Either a One 95 or X:60) Backup:Warrior Dolomite Pro Stock Sillinger.
  2. Actually, Bauer did make a pair of skates called the S9. Hard to explain, but it was a few years back and it was basically a very customizable skate which looks like the cross between the traditional bauer skates(3000,80/90) and the New One 90. I believe Naslund and Brian Campbell wore those. So yeah. Unless of course he did mean Eastons..
  3. Well, luckily I don't flex the sticks anymore. I've played enough to know what one flex will feel like. Just wondering if this annoys any of you LHS workers/owners. Do you get annoyed if a person asks you to match another stores price? I'll do this sometimes but it's usually only by 15-25 dollars. This may have been asked before, but I really didn't want to go through all those pages.
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