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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by skyscrape

  1. I am sorry for quoting the pic, but that is beautiful! What amp or amps are you playing it through?
  2. Seeing the skills guys like Zajac and Hall fighting their own fights and proving that guys like Gillies! I mean even Probert scored goals and could play hockey! Hey couldn't skate...but god bless him he was strong! Probert would have just walked up into the locker room and B!@#$ Slapped Gillies. Probert would have just walked up to Gillies and said "Grow up scab!". I want to see Gillies and Carcillo drop em! Get Danny on a off day
  3. This is true! Thanks. Just never easy to think about your father being cracked open.
  4. Just found out my Dad is going to have open heart surgery within the next month and a half. Thankfully the surgeon is supposed to be amazing, but...he still has an aortic aneurysm at the moment.
  5. HA! They are worse in their mid to late 20's!
  6. I use 5/8 if the ice is fairly soft. Mens league and drop in. If I were to play full contact competitive I would go with 9/16ths or 1/2 inch. The grip in the corners is needed, but for drop in or mens league where you don;t want to wear out and need all the speed I can get I go 5/8ths.
  7. I am about the same weight as you and I liked the 90/75. 90/50 was a lot of glide but felt like i needed to re-sharpen too often.
  8. That is awesome! All I have is an old scott stevens christian, a igor larionov sherwood, and a Jeff Odgers sherwood from the early nineties.
  9. You had a ton of sticks or just shafts? I think he is referring to shafts.
  10. Weight. that is it I think The one100 stick did look more like it had a vapor blade on it. I want to try the new total one though! I love the fact that the one100 will be available in 112 flex!
  11. I wish they offered something to replace the one85 for length! It would be nice to have a 112 flex with only a 2 inch plug instead of a 4 inch plug. Oh well. I will probably still buy one!
  12. I agree. It is a stick time not designated as a scrimmage. But he or she better make use of the time in my opinion.
  13. Between you r profile pic and those skates, I think I did a little too!
  14. This one sealed the deal for me! http://dietrichthrall.files.wordpress.com/...sson_allure.jpg
  15. HAHA! So true. I once watched a guy with downs choke slam a 200 lb man because the guy cut in front of him in the bathroom line!
  16. X-girlfriends(I mean the crazy cheating kind that take a while to get over) who pop in every once and a while just to fuck with your life!
  17. If I knew how to post I would put a pic up of it. My p106 looks nothing like the any other p106 I have seen on a stick. A lot more toe, basically a slightly tamer version of the stamkos in pic.
  18. It looks kinda similar to my p106
  19. I believe the Ovechkin is the drury/p91 clone. The Steen looks like the lidstrom.
  20. Anything in the ccm line? I really like the way they feel in my hands
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