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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Graf Supra 735 (Schremp PS)
  • Hockey Bag
    St Mikes Majors PS
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer APX2
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer APX2
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Pro Classic
  • Pants
    CCM V10 Upper/CCM HP30 Lower
  • Helmet
    CCM Resistance 100 w/ Bauer Pro Clip Visor
  • Gloves
    Warrior QRL (Buzzers PS)
  • Stick
    Bauer Vapor 1X

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  • Location
    Windsor, ON
  • Gender
  1. Stick: Easton SE16 Painted as S19 pure (Spezza Pro Stock) Skates: Bauer X60 (Khokhalchev Pro Stock) Helmet: Bauer 4500 Pants: CCM 7000 (Spitfires Pro Stock) Gloves: Bauer X60 Eberle Shoulder Pads: Sherwood 5030 Elbow Pads: Bauer X40 Shin Pads: Bauer X40
  2. I believe one of my local LHS' still have these in stock. I remember looking at them and they are MIA branded gloves.
  3. So that's the story of the bidding war! I'll be shipping them out today during my lunch hour. To give you a background on these gloves, I bought them at Pro Hockey Life when I was visiting in Mississauga. I believe they were the only retailers to carry them in the TBL colors. I wore them about three times, loved the feel of them, but then ended up getting custom Creepers. So I decided to put them up on eBay. PM me when you recieve them. Its nice to know its going to a fellow MSHer.
  4. Filipino colours would look pretty sweet on Eagle's. Why didn't I think of doing one? Good call on Team Philippines gloves.
  5. That's sad. If there was anyone in the world to look up to in terms of staying fit and active, it would be Jack LaLanne.
  6. New acquisitions. Nike Pro Stock Michigan Pants Graf Supra 735 (bought these in the summer), Just added the black Tuuks over the weekend. I've always been a fan of black tuuks since i was a kid (pretty much had them on all my skates.)
  7. ^^^ I hear ya! Hopefully it's as good as the original. I remember my friends and I would play hours on end in multiplayer mode. Looks like history will repeat. :-)
  8. I too would like to see Bauer do custom gloves. In fact, I'm positive that all major brands would benefit from this option who doesn't have it yet.
  9. Interesting to see 2 different colored bindings on your MIA's
  10. There was a booth inside the John Labatt Centre that had silent auctions and stuff. This was during the NHL rookie tournament. The gloves were in a bin. When I picked them up, there were like 4 other pairs. Mine were the best looking one's in the bin. When I went back during the 2nd intermission, everything else was gone.
  11. You shoulda seen my eyes light up when the guy at the booth said $25. I was like "for one?" Then he said "Nope, for the pair." I quickly grabbed the best looking pair and off I went.
  12. I was hoping they would have Gagner's lol. but yeah, for $25, I couldn't pass that up.
  13. Newest addition to my ever expanding glove universe. Got them at the NHL Rookie Tournament in London for $25
  14. ^^^ In close to brand new condition. It was worn during the Euro Can Cup last summer. It was used for only 4 games. No tears or scuff marks. The pic is posted in Show It Off.
  15. Went to the NHL Rookie tournament in London over the weekend. Picked up a pair of Marc Pouliot Eagle PPF's for $25
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