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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nisselrm last won the day on June 7 2017

nisselrm had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

21 Good


  • Skates
    Mako II
  • Hockey Bag
    warrior pro
  • Shin Pads
    reebok 7/8k pro
  • Elbow Pads
    reebok 8k pro
  • Shoulder Pads
    Ccm U+CL
  • Pants
    Nike branded nexus
  • Helmet
    Can V08
  • Gloves
    Chara warrior franchise
  • Stick
    Vapor p91a

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  • Location
    St. Louis
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  1. That looks like the same curve I have
  2. The graphic on my stick is a super tack 2.0 but I believe he uses the old spear variable construction. ive seen some sticks of his with different shaft contours and flexes but the builds were the same. The only other curve I’ve seen of his was a custom toe curve he sampled.
  3. I would say it’s closer to an open pm9 with an almost max height blade. It’s least the version I have is.
  4. Are you talking about the belly pad? I only wear pro stock nexus pants and generally remove the drawstring but I also cut out the belly pad before putting in hockey laces. I’ve never had any issues.
  5. I would focus on CCMs. Almost any retail location should be able to place that order. Just a matter of if they’re willing to or not. Bauers are basically impossible because they have to be placed through a pro team, but if you manage to find someone to place an order let me know!
  6. Prostockhockeysticks.com has the malkin pattern available in their stock and custom sticks. Much easier to go through them and cheaper. Sticks have gotten a lot of positive reviews.
  7. What kind of plays are you talking about? when receiving tough pass on the backhand, keeping the puck in front of you and contained within your stick length will give you a chance to still make a play in a more balanced or attacking position. in terms of dealing with body contact, you have to know what’s coming before the pass gets to you, preferably before the pass is even made. That information will determine what decision/play you make based on time/space available. to better absorb the contact and protect the puck, you want to shift your weight to the leg closest to the point of contact. Upon impact, shift your weight to the other leg to absorb the energy, keeping your body between the defender and the puck.
  8. Looking for Nike practice jerseys and socksJerseys:Standard- size 56/58 (prefer 58)Swift- size 60Socks: Regular or largeHave plenty of black to trade if neededLooking for:(Solid)WhiteBlue RedNot looking for game socks. Thanks!
  9. Got my SVHs in and am pretty underwhelmed. They weren’t sent in the display box like I asked and the fit is pretty off. They barely fit in length and don’t have nearly enough volume. Tongue doesn’t sit correctly and the top theee eyelets run directly into my upper ankle bone with almost no space between. I can’t even lace them up. my question is do I go directly through true or back to the retailer for replacements?
  10. What will that change? I just ordered SVHs and the holder is my only real concern coming from a CXN with standard step steel
  11. Slightly off topic, but is the SVH model currently available for order? Has anyone been able to see pricing for them? edit: placed my order today!
  12. We have no idea what stiffness they use. Those ribcores could be equivalent to bauer +4. Further, who knows what their internal fit is? It could be a skin with any possible option or it could be a retail boot. Can't say without examination.
  13. He uses the 033 which is the TotalOne construction
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