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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. I rent a standard size vehicle as usual, they ask me (online when I booked it) if i want a free upgrade to premium. Sure, why not? I get to the counter and they have me in a Volvo XC60. I’m not a big fan of large vehicles so I go to the exchange row to get something else. I take a Nissan Sentra. So apparently the Sentra is a “premium” vehicle (are you kidding me..?) , and exchanging my free upgrade to premium for another premium doesn’t carry over. So yeah. Rental car bill for 25 hours is $263.22. I’ve opened a ticket with them to complain, but who knows if I’ll get anywhere. So completely frustrating.
  2. Nice. I'm not looking forward to the groin pulls associated with me even attempting to move in that fashion ;)
  3. Koncept black/white/red gloves sold on eBay ($50)
  4. Thanks for the tips! I'll try practicing that. Do you think I need full gear to practice that or is just my pants and pads enough? Also do you think I can get away with sneakers instead of skates for the most part? Probably dumb questions but I want to make practicing a mix of convenience and accuracy, if that makes sense. Been looking at the Maltese throat guards and everyone says they're great.
  5. I really wish they’d stop giving TSA pre-check to people who don’t explicitly apply for it, who have absolutely no clue what it is. Bunch of dumb teen girls in front of me taking their shoes off and taking their laptops out and had to be told to put it all away. At that point just let them finish instead of wasting even more of my time. This really isn't difficult, people!
  6. Yea there is almost zero open space for me, especially with the throat guard I got.
  7. Removed: CCM RBZ60 Stick (decided to use it)Easton S3 Stick (gave it away to a friend)Sold: Warrior Koncept Black/Yellow glovesBauer Re-Akt CageTons of stuff left to get rid of! :)
  8. Completely different. They are "less stiff", as in they don't feel like a ski boot. But they flex in all the right ways, and aren't soft by any means. Not really all that comparable.
  9. Thanks for all the suggestions! I'm sure it will get easier the more I stretch and get more flexible, and more practice. I still haven't even been on the ice yet. As for knee pads... I haven't found any I liked. I tried both Bauer Supreme and Bauer Reactor. The reactor were better (but WAY less protective) but didn't have garter loops to hold them up. The Supremes were crazy bulky and never felt right. I ended up buying a pair of volleyball knee pads and they feel great (for landing purposes) but obviously aren't protective. The thigh guards that came with my pads just don't seem to do much for me either, thy don't hug my leg and knee at all. I was looking at the Warrior knee pads because they are SUPPOSED to slide down (the top half anyway, the bottom part where the knee is stays in place), and also saw the Brian's knee pads in the store and they looked really good (like they'd actually stay in place): I also didn't plan on wearing socks, but that gives a bit more potential for the knee pad edges to get caught on stuff. Dunno, maybe I'll just go ahead and get them. Oh one more thing... are throat guards (that hang from the mask) generally only worn by guys who don't wear neck guards? Or do most goalies wear both? I'm undecided if I want to wear one or not.
  10. So you think based on the video that that's the issue? I mean, I know my flexibility is crap so obviously that's a contributing factor. But, is the technique correct?
  11. It's really difficult to post a video of you doing something when you know its completely wrong. Be gentle.
  12. If work ever settles down I may get my mentorship games in, but that may not be any time soon.
  13. Well, back to the airport for another trip. At least this time I'm flying Virgin so it should at least be a decent experience.
  14. Okay, time for a big update. I have pretty much everything I need, now. Here's a quick rundown of everything I got, with links so you can take a look yourself. Base Layer: Bauer NG 37.5 Premium Jock Pant (XL)Bauer Premium Performance L/S Grip Hockey Shirt (XL)Swiftwick Performance Four Black Compression Socks (L)Under Armour Volleyball Knee PadsProtective Wear:Bauer Reactor Goalie JockBauer Reactor Neck Protector Bib (White)Bauer Supreme One.7 Goalie Pants (XL)Bauer Reactor 4000 Chest Protector (L)Mask:Bauer NME 8 Non-Certified Mask (White Fit 1)LeBlanc Designs Felix Potvin Vinyl Mask Decals (Silver/Black)Bauer NME Throat ProtectorSkates:Bauer Reactor 2000 Skates (8.0EE)Sport Mate Gorilla Skate Laces (waxed)Monkey Sports Pro Blade Soakers (black)Superfeet Yellow FootbedsStick:Bauer Supreme One70 Comp Goal Sticks (clearance)Pads:Brians S Series Goalie Glove (white/black/silver)Brians S Series Goalie Blocker (white/black/silver)Brians S Series Goalie Leg Pads (33+1 white/black/silver)PAW Hockey Custom Sliding Toe BridgesJersey:Bauer Core 6001 Practice Hockey Jersey (black GC)I actually still need a bag to put all this crap in, but my Mammoth player bag should be here in a few weeks so I'll probably just re-use my Bauer player bag for now and just carry my leg pads (though not sure by what, since they have no leather straps). I want a GRIT SUMO tower though. Our team goalie has one and loves it. I also want to get some thigh pads that lace into my pads. The ones that came with my pads are a couple inches too tall. With me being the size and shape I am, of course I have a couple fit issues. First, the arms on my C/A are simply too long. They make it difficult to get my gloves on all the way. Here you can see the left and right arm (with one being pulled up a bit): I imagine this should be a pretty simple fix, and I could probably handle it myself with a speedy stitcher or could take it to Jakes in LA to have it altered. Second is that my pants are a bit long and interfere a bit with the padding on the sides of the knees on my pads. I could also probably have these shortened a bit at Jakes. Unfortunately they had to be XL in order to fit around my midsection ;) I'll be able to buy smaller sized pants eventually... Finally, let's talk about my butterfly. I just can't seem to get it closed. I have zero flare and have difficulty getting my knees together, let alone closing that opening. Here's how it looks from above: Can anyone out there offer any suggestions on this? Or will this just get better over time?
  15. Crazy! I'm not even scheduled for one yet. Then again, they dont know I have my crest yet. Been too busy to even think about it.
  16. Considering they cancelled an entire flight I would assume there would have been an entire flight worth of baggage to distribute, not just one bag. They did it for the other cancelled flights too, just not ours. So ANYWAY, I get to the check-in today and ask "so what happens with my bag you guys held on to last night, will that just get automatically sent on my new flight?" They assured me that was the case. Nope, no bag. Not especially surprised, really. They filed a report and said if it turned up they'd call me. Incredible. I was 100% fine with the cancellation, it was no surprise considering that storm. I just wish they hadn't a) waited 6 hours to cancel it, b) not been willing to give us our bags back and c) not lost my bag.
  17. Haha yup this was southwest. Waitied in airport for 6+ hours for delays. Around midnight they finally go ahead and cancel our flight. When I to got get my bag to take to a nearby hotel for the night, they tell me they aren't getting bags for that flight. So I book a hotel room via hotels.com (normally book direct, but also normally have more time to research hotels before I book). Get on the last shuttle from the airport to the hotel, and when I get there they tell me they don't have a room for me. So I call another hotel and they do have a room so I call a cab to take me there. 3 hours sleep and then up again for my rescheduled 7am flight home. Ugh. Southwest is the worst. If their points weren't so quick to accrue (and cost so few to book free flights), not to mention the companion pass, I'd have ditched them long ago.
  18. Can't say I've ever had an airline refuse to give me my bag back before...
  19. He got knocked down, turned around, and threw his stick at the guy who knocked him over. Like not a toss, but a full on throwing his stick as hard as he can at the guys head. In my mind it was 100% a deliberate attempt to injure. But at least they removed him from the game, I guess.
  20. Heh I give em crap still but now I actually know what they're talking about. I would have actually handed out a match penalty in the last game I played in though. I think they just gave him a 10. Maybe a game also. Not sure.
  21. There's just no reason to put your nasty feet all over the place
  22. Love that account. What's really scary are comments on some of the photos saying they don't see the problem... WTF is wrong with people these days?
  23. Watch out! Inmates have taken over the asylum!
  24. The ideas are swirling around in my head right now.
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