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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. If you say so. Best tool for the job imo, and with what they're paying me it only makes sense that you don't handcuff me with Windows.
  2. One of which are people who bash Apple.
  3. Heh that's a bit much :P But if its just school, why can't you just use your Macbook anyway? I mean, what's stopping you?
  4. Yea, that just wouldn't happen for me. If I'm 100% forced to use Windows, I'd just use Fusion or even Virtualbox. Having a Mac is a job requirement for me as well. If you don't allow me to have one (even if I buy it myself), I don't work for you. Period.
  5. Added: - EK15 gloves - Easton Bag - Bauer jock shorts x2 - Bauer NME certified goalie mask cage Updated: - Added photos for Navy Bauer One60 Pants - Added photos for Black Bauer One60 Pants Finally, for those waiting for me to ship stuff - sorry for the delay. Was out of town for a couple days. Heading to the post office tomorrow!
  6. I was wondering if it was some kind of sleeve meant to prevent cuts or something, since it doesn't look like it's keeping him from flexing his ankles. *shrug* carry on!
  7. Whats that wrapped around his ankle?
  8. I saw those. I'm not even on a team that wears those colors anymore but still incredibly tempted. Those are some really nice looking gloves, and pretty much the only model 4-rolls on the market I like. I'm planning on getting a set of the smallest ones. I pretty much never get hit in the side of the foot, but get hit on the tongue of my skates ALL THE TIME.
  9. Bauer backpack sold to RadioGaGa :)
  10. Everything still available is in the first post of the thread :) I'd guess an extra $10-15 or so. Eagle shell sold to stevelknievel :)
  11. Can anyone confirm if the 2014 vapor line of pants has suspender buttons? I seem to recall the 2013 line did not, but have been told the 2014 line does.
  12. I remember being absolutely blown away by how light the new supreme shoulders are. Like, uncanny. Definitely on my list to replace my Down Low once they kick the bucket.
  13. Haha sorry! Brian's goalie bag sold :)
  14. Yea I get back "pain" about 20 minutes before the chest and abdominal pain starts. It's more like its the same pain you get when you sleep funny and it feels like you badly need to crack your back. Mostly upper-middle of the back. At least I have warning to get some drugs in me before it really starts! I have an appointment with the gastro doc next week. I imagine he'll want to schedule surgery fairly soon, which is fine by me. Fairly minor surgery apparently. Certainly a whole hell of a lot easier than the others I've had!
  15. Good drugs for if/when it happens again, yeah. We're going to try adjusting the diet before going the surgery route. Avoiding fatty foods (which I've started doing anyway). Happy to do the surgery if necessary though, it's not a big deal. If anything I'm just happy to know that its not my heart, and that if I have another episode I know what it is. The first two episodes (one of which was on a plane - THAT sucked!) I didn't have checked out. This time we went to the ER, figuring if nothing else hopefully they can tell me it's not my heart.
  16. Lots of price drops! Last chance before I say screw it and bring the stuff to Play It Again...
  17. Gallstones. Though, much better than the heart attacks I was worried they may have been.
  18. I also don't quite understand when he says the guy passed it "geometrically". God he's awful to listen to. Thank goodness I never have to listen to him do any real games. I would be 100% okay with this.
  19. NHL15 being all NBC with terrible announcers. Apparently never do I shoot or pass the puck, I only "knife" or "shovel" it. And never on goal or net.. No, no, no. Always on a cage apparently. There should be an expert mode that unlocks CBC or something.
  20. Yup! It will get better. I'm just happy I'm not absolute crap at it. I honestly think I'm already better in goal than I am skating out.
  21. I remember the looks I got when I played for the first and second time ever and nobody knew until after the skate! haha Yea, I was a catcher. It's great for the glove but sometimes I use my glove when I probably should be using my stick or leg pad... I picked up a puck that was shot along the ice in my glove once... oops.
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