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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Socal drivers: learn to use your damn turn signals.
  2. Mine say hockeyboss.com .. whatever :)
  3. So the gloves aren't pro stock? They're retail? That at least gives me hope for being able to find a pair... My Maine x:60 Pro's are nice, but I'd prefer a pair of supremes any day.
  4. Are those the pants from eBay I kept wanting to buy? Where did you get the gloves? I had to settle for Vapor because I couldn't find supremes in those colors!
  5. Oh snap, those are awesome!!!
  6. Wow davetronz those skates are gorgeous!
  7. Ah okay cool then :)
  8. Curious how you'd even know they existed. I mean, how did you know to ask for them?
  9. Looks pretty darn close to me!
  10. I like both. I have my Tron 405 all-black stick (no graphics what so ever), and I also have (had... waiting for my warranty..) a Mako. I'm all about the solid color sticks, be it black or white. I do think the white stands out more among the mess of black/dark sticks out on the ice... dunno if thats a good or a bad thing.
  11. ^ This. I get nagged because I'M the one of us who spends all our money. I can't help it, I have expensive hobbies! "Dear, I don't think you need to spend $1500 on a home router. Get a D-Link or something" < Hahahahahahha. Riiiiiight.... Maybe if it runs Junos..
  12. I just get the angry "WTF do you need 4 pairs of gloves for?" look.
  13. WTF? They sent you an M2? LOL. I'd be pretty pissed.
  14. I assume you're not married? You seem to post in this thread a LOT ;) But seriously.. WTF do all you people do with all this gear you buy??
  15. Yea I dont anticipate an issue. Like CTHockey said, its only been on shelves since the 7th, which means I've probably owned it less than 30 days ;) Sorry, I've kind of derailed the thread of cool stuff :(
  16. I do have the receipt, theres just no sticker on either the receipt or the stick. BTW - It was ordered online, so I'm sure that has something to do with it. I just need to find out what they did with it.
  17. Hopefully. We'll see what Easton says. Thing is, hockeymonkey didnt stick the warranty sticker on the receipt they sent in the box with the stick (that I had to dig out of the dumpster not realizing I'd thrown the receipt away with the box). Probably need to figure out whats up with that, first.
  18. *cry* My 30th birthday present to myself... :'( Second shift I used it...
  19. Just got this: Got the tacki-mac Kane grip installed, some white tape on it (I usually use gordie howe tape)... we'll see how she does tonight!
  20. They finally arrived! Reebok 11k 9EE NCAA return. I need to break them in a bit during some public skating before I wear them, so it's looking like they'll be used for summer league, as we only have at most 3 games left this season (playoffs w/ 4 teams...)
  21. I'm tempted to try the CCM shins, as well as the rest of it. I love my Fit09 pads, I imagine I'd like the CL even more.
  22. That logo is amazing.
  23. Just picked these up on eBay: RBK 11K, size 9EE. Currently in RBK 8K size 9E. Thinking EE might help with some foot cramps I occasionally get if I tie the laces too tight. Apparently NCAA pro return. Either way, a steal for $299!
  24. Just got these. Would have preferred TotalOnes as I prefer the supreme fit, but these were all I could find (aside from 4-Rolls, which I REALLY hate):
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