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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. I remember talking w/ you back when I was originally buying my Projekt gloves. I don't know if you saw the thread or not, but the Koncept gloves are pretty much identical on the hand, just a larger cuff. They solve the single complaint I had with my Projekts. Now it looks like I may have to scour clearance sales for some more. The luxe were fairly comfortable when I tried them on. Not as tight as the projekt/koncept, more the tightness of a bauer supreme. Maybe slightly more loose. I guess I'll try on a pair of Covert gloves and see if they'd work for me. But I'm definitely sad that I finally found something I like, and now its gone :(
  2. Ah okay, well either way if its gone now I'm going to need to stock up. I FINALLY found a glove I'm 100% happy with :(
  3. Hmm, were Koncept discontinued last year? My Internet is being stupid slow right now so can't check the 2012 catalogue. If so, I'd better find some more and stock up! Also, I'm really bummed about the projekt elbow pads being gone. I and many others on this site agree that the Projekt was one of the best out there. I'll have to get my hands on a couple pairs of those, too.
  4. Oh man, having that happen w/ an online purchase would drive me batty.
  5. I think we both just said the same thing.
  6. It's just because of the new way quotes work. The board software used to strip out the photos from quotes. Since the quoting has changed in the new software, the old fix isn't working anymore. I believe I recall JR saying he was/is going to look into it. I've just been manually removing photos from quotes, since I know the admins dont want huge photos being quoted all the time.
  7. Concussion-proof? No. Concussion preventing? Absolutely.
  8. The re-akt wasn't so much the tech for me as just the fact that it's the only bucket ive found thats actually comfortable on my head :P
  9. Actually not, but let's please move on and stay on topic.
  10. But I was right, so that's okay :)
  11. Do we have any idea of the approx retail price for the mako skate?
  12. The nice thing about being in CA - IW is free overnight shipping :)
  13. Thanks, will check them out.
  14. Peaches? I want to have the cuff on my Warrior Projekt gloves modified so I can actually wear them.
  15. Wow, you must play a LOT to go through top end skates that fast. That, or you don't take care of them.
  16. Can't wait for this. The mako skate looked amazing (and far less ugly up close than I had thought when I first saw it).
  17. Thanks to Vulcan7905 I finally have something to post here. Winterfest!!!
  18. haha will definitely have both garage doors closed when I'm using it. Its just nice that the sides fold in so I can store it just inside the garage door :) The downside is that my driveway is a bit uphill. Not sure how much that would bother me. I may move it into the back yard off the patio instead.
  19. New addition to the family:
  20. This is the venting thread, so I was venting.
  21. Not directly this at your personally but I always try to remember this bit when I get screwed around flying. Puts it into a happier perspective. I've seen it. And its sort of true. I'm not complaining about the flying, but more about incompetent people. Also the fact that I pay quite a bit more for priority service and airline status, and it seems to mean nothing to the airline.
  22. I loved the square toe. I moved to the RBK Datsyuk, which I'm finding similar, but shorter (more like an iginla with a square toe)
  23. That's why I liked Heatley. It was similar to Iginla, but much longer.
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