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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Saturday, Aug. 1: Blackhawks vs. Oilers, 3 p.m. ET – NBCMonday, Aug. 3: Blackhawks vs. Oilers, 10:30 p.m. ET – NBCSNWednesday, Aug. 5: Oilers vs. Blackhawks, 10:30 p.m. ET – NBCSNFriday, Aug. 7: Oilers vs. Blackhawks*, TBDSaturday, Aug. 8: Blackhawks vs. Oilers*, TBD
  2. Sunday, Aug. 2: Blue Jackets vs. Maple Leafs, 8 p.m. ET – NBCSNTuesday, Aug. 4: Blue Jackets vs. Maple Leafs, 4 p.m. ET – NBCSNThursday, Aug. 6: Maple Leafs vs. Blue Jackets, TBDFriday, Aug. 7: Maple Leafs vs. Blue Jackets*, TBDSunday, Aug. 9: Blue Jackets vs. Maple Leafs*, TBD
  3. Saturday, Aug. 1: Panthers vs. Islanders, 4 p.m. ET – NBCSNTuesday, Aug. 4: Panthers vs. Islanders, 12 p.m. ET – NBCSNWednesday, Aug. 5: Islanders vs. Panthers, 12 p.m. ET – NBCSNFriday, Aug. 7: Islanders vs. Panthers*Sunday, Aug. 9: Panthers vs. Islanders*
  4. Saturday, Aug. 1: Rangers vs. Hurricanes, 12 p.m. ET – NBCSNMonday, Aug. 3: Rangers vs. Hurricanes, 12 p.m. ET – NBCSNTuesday, Aug. 4: Hurricanes vs. Rangers, 8 p.m. ET – NBCSNThursday, Aug. 6: Hurricanes vs. Rangers*Saturday, Aug. 8: Rangers vs. Hurricanes*
  5. Saturday, Aug. 1: Canadiens vs. Penguins, 8 p.m. ET – NBCMonday, Aug. 3: Canadiens vs. Penguins, 8 p.m. ET – NBCSNWednesday, Aug. 5: Penguins vs. Canadiens, 8 p.m. ET – NBCSNFriday, Aug. 7: Penguins vs. Canadiens*Saturday, Aug. 8: Canadiens vs. Penguins*
  6. Announcement starting at 9AM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPH2uxwvSZI
  7. Looks like we may learn something tomorrow.
  8. Definitely, but I also totally understand his point of view as well, specifically as an ER doctor. Basically, confirm it isn’t an emergency and tell me to talk to primary care. That to me seems like a reasonable use of his time. Honestly if I’d just lose the weight I gained back (most of it) I’d probably be off the heart meds anyway. Time to get serious.
  9. Yeah the monitor I was strapped to was dinging almost constantly, every time it was dip to 89. Though, TBF I was wearing a mask the entire time, 6+ hours. At one point I remembered that I'd had a blood clot so he ordered a CT scan right away for the possibility of PE, though he did mention it helps to know the clot was localized after an injury (right ankle broken, clot in right calf). Chest x-ray and CT scan both totally normal. Gotta make a doctor appointment, I guess.
  10. Being at the hospital they wanted to know about her symptoms since "Have you been tested for COVID-19 symptoms?" question is asked up front. Oddly enough, aside from going into a different room, there was absolutely nothing abnormal about it. Nurses and staff all in standard gear. I went to an urgent care a few months ago and they had people in full getups checking people in. That was super surprising. But yea, the moment I mentioned her loss of sense of smell she was like "oh, yep. She's got it." Obviously for her HEALTH reasons, I hope she doesn't have it. But for "I told you so" reasons I sort of do. Just because nobody wears masks at her work, even when in meetings or in the car together for lunch. And she's the boss so there's no excuse. And if you know what my wife does for a living, you know how much of an absolute mess it would be if somebody there tested positive. She would joke with her director about me telling her she has to wear a mask and social distance at work. Yea, maybe. It was just general pressure/tightness across the entire chest. I was going to just ignore it and finish watching my movie until my left arm went tingly. BP was 162/114, blood oxygen level below 90. Thanks man 😄
  11. If there was any evidence that a $500 helmet was better than the $175 helmet I wear now, as far as protecting my brain, then I would spend it. Hell, goalie masks cost a whole hell of a lot more than that.
  12. Not surprising, being a fan of the Lefevre CCM style. Crawford has been wearing them for a while now.
  13. I mean, if they’re made to measure than yeah they very well could be.
  14. Well apparently not a heart attack. Doc says he doesn’t know what it is but it’s his job as an ER doctor to make sure it’s NOT on his checklist of emergency items, so he STRESSED he doesn’t know what it was and said to follow up with my doctor 3-5 days.
  15. In hospital for potential heart attack. I’m kind of surprised by how relaxed they are being about the fact that my wife has COVID-19 symptoms, especially after I explained them and the nurse was like “oh yeah, she’s got it”
  16. Mom interrupting my wife telling me she has COVID symptoms by telling me she has cancer. I hadn’t even had my coffee yet.
  17. Yep, nothing weird about my feet at all. It's definitely why I did. Why do you not agree? And yes, it's an assumption. Actually, it's not even an assumption. It's just a hope.
  18. I also want to point out that there has been a lot of mentioning of the Mako, especially by me. But, for good reason. Some of us are hoping the TF7/TF9 can fill the gap that was opened up when the Mako was discontinued. Some of us had finally found a skate we loved. I don't WANT to buy custom skates. I truly envy those that don't need to. The Mako is still to this day the only retail skate I've ever worn that didn't hurt.
  19. Nope. Actually, yes. Or, at least that was definitely the case for me. Maybe my foot was just the right shape for the Mako, but those things were so comfortable. If True retail skates are as thermoformable as the Mako was, I won't need to go custom (speaking as somebody who wears custom VH right now).
  20. Probably the same as the Mako, they'll have to bake them.
  21. Yep, if I continue hockey I’m definitely going to be trying a retail model.
  22. I had similar issues as you. I tried everything and spent a fortune in the process. Every line from Bauer and CCM and a couple models of Graf and just couldn’t get anything that didn’t hurt after a couple minutes. I used to ask guys if just the walk out to the ice is supposed to hurt, because I had no reference point. Usually, my feet would eventually go numb and didn’t hurt at some point in the 3rd period. Then I got my hands on the Easton Mako. My first time playing a game (playing in a division higher than the beginner division I should have been in) I had my teammates ask if I had taken skating lessons. I laughed and told them no, I just had skates that didn’t hurt anymore. Pain was gone. They were so thermaformable that they were able to fit perfectly! It really was amazing. When I switched to goalie, I bought a pair of cheap Bauer goalie skates and, not surprisingly, they hurt my feet. Not as badly, but the movements are obviously different. I wasn’t about to go through the same BS all over again and since there was no Mako goalie skate i bit the bullet and went VH custom. Ended up being one of the best equipment decisions I’ve ever made. They feel like nice, well fitting hiking boots. A nice even pressure all around the foot that makes you feel supported but not jammed. And because of the foot wrap you barely need to pull the laces tight. I could skate with no laces in these things (and sort of have before when I had a lace come untied during a pickup game). Soooo... while I think True custom might work for you based on my experience, the TF7 or TF9 retail models might give you the same experience I got with the Mako. I don’t know if that’s helpful to you but figured I’d give you my story and you can decide what to do with it.
  23. I feel like they will be quite similar to the Mako where the crazy level of thermoformability will make them fit a lot of different foot shapes. Still not for everyone, but still a pretty wide variety of people.
  24. Man, I haven’t seen that scene in ages. So good. I loved that show!
  25. Good question. I assume they’ll do some sort of promo. I already have it as it’s the only way to watch games without TV service.
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