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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Weird. You said he didn’t get a concussion. So what’s the problem? Also since no helmet is concussion proof, it’s a bit of an odd measure.
  2. The score looks like it’s going to end a lot closer than the game actually was. Chicago definitely let up after the 6th goal.
  3. Yeah it kind of makes sense as a full package. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. As long as the grinding rings stay the same, I'm happy. Even better if they'd be available at retail.
  4. Not really "saran wrap", I'm not sure where that idea came from. Maybe just because the stretch wrap kind of resembles saran wrap I guess. But yeah, that's generally done for True custom skates. I assume you could also do it for the stock skates as well but you may see less benefit since the boot wasn't made for your foot anyway. I'm sure anywhere that has sold True customs would know the procedure anyway and should be able to do it for you upon request. It can't hurt.
  5. I couldn't even get them on my feet until they were baked. Same for Mako. Sure. That was a requirement for Mako fittings. I would have to assume True retails would be the same case.
  6. I guess I have some good news. I played in a pickup on Sunday, as I mentioned here: The guy told me said it was a D5 skate (the division I was previously playing in). It very much was not. Though, being a pickup it also wasn't as difficult as D4 (which I have subbed in a couple times when I got to the rink early for my game and their goalie got hurt or didn't show up and got LIT UP). It was basically D4/D5 mix of players playing at a level somewhere in-between. Anyway, that to me actually made it fun. The other pickup I've been playing in for years has definitely declined in skill level for the most part, which makes the 2-3 really good players basically just annoying because it's non-stop breakaways. This was way more fun than that. My legs were jello pretty quickly, and semblance of flexibility I had is completely gone, and my timing and angles are all totally hosed. But I don't care. It was fun because it was a challenge. I let the guy know afterwards that it was really fun and that it makes me much less disappointed not being on a league team knowing I could do pickups at this level. He asked me if I wanted to return and I happily agreed. So, looks like I now have a weekly ice time once again. Its at noon which is good and bad - good because its not 10PM, but bad because it basically kills my day. But I'm not about to complain, I'm just happy to be doing something again.
  7. Well, I ended up playing in a pickup last Sunday. I had a tournament Aug 8-9 (I found out afterwards has been pushed to October) and figured I'd better get some reps in. I don't feel entirely comfortable playing in the tournament so I'm glad it's been postponed, and really wasn't comfortable playing in a pickup either. But, the guy who invited me said it's an invite-only skate and people are taking it seriously so I agreed. As it turns out, they weren't so serious. Maybe 3 people had masks on in the dressing room (myself included). That said, it seemed... normal. Maybe that's not a good thing as I ended up not wearing a mask on the ice like I had planned. All that said, it was really nice to get back out there even if my legs were absolute jello less than half way in.
  8. I just sent in my donation, and also pinned this post. Good luck @hellaavangard we're all rooting for you to beat this. Fuck cancer!
  9. I wonder if it will be like the Mako where you have no idea how it's actually going to feel unless you have it baked.
  10. Right on! I've had no issues with the original and can't imagine any new features would push an upgrade for me, but still very interested to see what they've come up with.
  11. Who knows. I’ll stay out of this topic, I don’t care enough.
  12. Yeah interesting he’d combine a traditional pad with a modern setup like that.
  13. Gotcha. You guys had been talking about Eflex, Premiere, and Lefevre pads so it kinda seemed to come out of left field.
  14. Why the pic of him in his Ultrasonics?
  15. I’m not really up to date with the model differences as I’ve generally ignored Lefevre gear to this point.
  16. Yes he wore Reebok before moving to Bauer. He’s been in Bauer his entire time in Toronto. Lefevre designed for Reebok prior to and after the merger with CCM. Andersen is signed with Bauer though (or was, I guess it’s possible that deal expired already) which makes it even more surprising. The gear is all unbranded because they aren’t yet paying the NHL fees. It seems most of the guys who were CCM have followed to Lefevre because that lets them stick with what’s familiar. A move from a more innovative company like Bauer to a more traditional one like Lefevre is surprising, especially with how much Andersen apparently liked the Ultrasonic line (he was wearing a pad wrapped ultrasonic blocker since the preseason because it wasn’t released yet, apparently he liked it during a photo shoot so much that he refused to give it back so they had to put pad wrap over the graphics).
  17. I went the other direction. I spent the money I had been saving up for goalie pads on an espresso machine instead!
  18. Weird, Andersen gave up his awesome CN Tower Bauer Ultrasonic for Lefevre.
  19. Huh, now they're all Canadian companies. That's a quick changeover and seems unnecessarily complex. But, I guess understandable they have to get all the sponsors in.
  20. That's... not what waterboarding is. You wet it, wring it out, and put it over your face. They're cooling towels, often worn either for their cooling properties (around the neck for example) or over the face when its dusty. It's great to breathe through, and the way it keeps you cool is a nice extra bonus. I wear one while backpacking too. Try doing that with a wash cloth. Wet it, wring it out, and then breathe through it. You can see how nice it actually is even compared to a typical cloth mask.
  21. So, this is what things are going to look and sound like. To be honest, it's not too bad. First thing I noticed watching the game on NHL.tv is the big Stanley Cup at centre ice instead of the Leafs logo which obviously makes sense. The second thing I noticed is that the advertisements on the boards are all US companies. It looks kind of strange.
  22. The Bauer base layer definitely have grip in that area, I assume the other brands do too.
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