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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Yeah I've found that the piece of leather that comes with the machine has been all I've ever needed for step black, so it definitely doesn't take much.
  2. I don't expect a whole lot to be different, but there's no reason to not wait at this point.
  3. Oh, nice. I will definitely be waiting to order new skates, then!
  4. Not surprising, that has been the expectation for quite a while. The other hub is likely Edmonton or Toronto if the league gets their way, but they have a second US city in the works in case they can’t get permission to have it in Canada in time.
  5. Beginning of CCM finally putting out good gear. Lefevre being gone will let them innovate instead of doing the same old tired designs year after year.
  6. Try getting them stretched, or get new skates. As an aside, I've never heard it called a "great toe".
  7. A couple new goalie items added. A Bauer 2X glove, and a Brown 2400 Jock.
  8. Those distinctions aren’t really a thing anymore. They tried so hard to market them that way but it’s pretty much died out. It mostly just depends on preferences now.
  9. My skillz are slowly improving! I just wish I had a better machine...
  10. Right there with you. You have to constantly be watching for every crack or gap or lip. Not being able to stop very well doesn’t help there either.
  11. I’m not sure I’d be skating yet even if ours did open, TBH. I don’t really feel like stuff is reopening because its actually safe to do so...
  12. Well, that WAS the last time there was new tech that really warranted significant discussion. Probably the Mako before that.
  13. Yeah I’ve heard private skates like that are likely the first things to return. I should probably be reaching out to the guy who runs the pickup I sometimes attend
  14. I don’t know timeline of player stuff but goalies have been using ultrasonic gear for months.
  15. You get interaction with reps. You get the opportunity to test gear. You get to see and demo product at events. You get to be a member of a place with some integrity when it comes to product leaks. Ultimately, you get plenty more than what you’re paying for. As for the topic, I avoided touching it but since @dkmiller3356 posted his thoughts, I will too. Part of the reason it’s slow is lack of hockey being played. Part is the lack of interesting products to talk about. Part of it is that people are consuming information in other ways. Short YouTube clips, Instagram and Facebook (and for the Gen-Z’ers, tiktok). Part of it is that people don’t have the patience for a medium where you ask a question and aren’t likely to get a response in a couple hours, possibly days or longer. People these days NEED A REPLY RIGHT NOW. And finally, a big part of it (in my opinion) is that we chose to maintain our integrity and keep our content to information and less “shitposting”, pardon the expression. Anyone who has ever been on GGSU or any hockey Reddits know what I’m talking about - those places are super busy but they’re also absolute cesspools. I was (well, technically still am I guess) a member, and former admin, on another hockey forum that was specifically for goalies. They had easily 3-4x our traffic, but also 3-4x less actual information. It was mostly made up of off topic nonsense, memes, GIFs, and general trash. But it was without a doubt busy. Is that better to have more traffic but less content? There are likely other reasons as well that nobody is going to get into publicly because it’s both not my place and frankly it’s none of anyone else’s business either. If you want more content, then post some. Don’t expect everyone else to do it for you. You certainly can’t count on me to do it because I don’t follow gear outside of goalie stuff anymore. Like Dave said, this site is what you make of it.
  16. Doesn’t matter, if it doesn’t fit then it doesn’t protect you. You can’t see it when you’re wearing it.
  17. Got it. He hadn’t mentioned that the context behind his post was different from the original context of the thread. Anyway, moving on... He was able to get his skates on with his chesty and pants on? As far as his videos... to each his own. His production quality is good but he’s just a blowhard with little substance.
  18. It was a reply to the post above mine, discussing hockey in a post-COVID world. I have no idea where yours came from as it had nothing to do with anything mentioned in the topic. That guy is an idiot who thinks he's hot shit on youtube. I also have no desire to drive to a rink with my skates on. That seems very dangerous and stupid.
  19. That's just not an option for some of us, myself included. My skates go on before my pants, when I'm skating out.
  20. No I understood your post, it's just not related to what this thread is about.
  21. Yeah that’s not really feasible for a lot of people. And think about the goalies. There isn’t much I can actually wear to drive to the rink.
  22. I think you may have misunderstood the thread 😆
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