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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by MissConduct

  1. been using mine for a couple weeks now (3-4times a week) and everything is fine
  2. I bought them off ebay used they are one90 Pro's, from UofMaine Black Bears. unfortunately JR says you have to buy 15 from nike if you want a pair lol, or find someone who works for UofM .. lol
  3. Is that AK27 a OPS? I didn't realise they existed at all. How do you like it? supposedly it is (altho to me it looks like it was a shaft with a 4 inch plug fused on the end fused onto a blade :lol: ) PHOTO TO EXPLAIN WHAT I MEAN (lines represent what look like fused points lol: : but im in love.. stick is my boyfriend
  4. my 2 new additions: reechi pro black bears pro one90 gloves http://i7.ebayimg.com/04/i/000/be/d4/cd0b_1.JPG and coming soon... Jordan Staal One90 http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x174/sn.../Picture063.jpg another staal pic
  5. My new "Atlanta Thrashers" RBK8k Helmet :D got a new Warrior Dolomite Nipple Grip as well, but no pics.. sticks are always in the van lol..
  6. Other than the ones posted in the topic about the game? hehehehe :D
  7. there "supposedly" Mike Brown's pro stock from when he played on Michigan Wolverines.. but how does one tell (yes it has M.Brown stitched in)? <_<
  8. here's a new pic of me at MSH game :D
  9. my big update: Helmet: Mission Intake Skates: Bauer XXX (LOVE THESE BABIES! thanks blackthidot) Shoulder: Itech Tech Lite SPW55 Gloves: Bauer Vapor XXX Pro-Return M.Wolverines, and my MIA's still of course Pants: Tackla 750 Specials (like rangers pants only all blue/white) Sticks: Pro Stock Tomas Kaberle Dolomite, Pro Stock Hamerlik Dolomite, Federov Starskie w/m-2 blade Misc: red/white/blue (windsor spitfire colours) maximum edge walkers :D, red skate laces to match the xxx on my skates.. LOL wanting still: U.M.Wolverines Pro pants & jersey :D
  10. hey are you LH? and are any of the warriors 85 flex that yea wanna sell me? LOL
  11. there everywhere? well in windsor at least
  12. nick.. they were used 8 times when I bought them, but I didn't have 649+tax to get a new pair so 200USD sounded good to me ;)
  13. yea 502se's they were also a 1/2 size too big.. lol all is well now :D
  14. i got some new skates i want to show off but unfortunatley my digi CRAPED OUT! *cries* but here is a photo of them (off ebay) lol and i gotta say, they are soooooooo comfy, i like the way they wrap around my feet like a glove weeeeeeeeeeee *bragging done*
  15. Doesn't your husband read MSH? You might want to remove the part about hooking up with someone. ;) maybe he wont read this thread :D
  16. hookup at this past weekends tournament WOOT.. can't wait to try it out Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!
  17. :o cant believe guys hit w/gloves on shame shame
  18. SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET :D (ps.. it's def. Randy Robitaille)
  19. I swear your helmet is vancouver navy...Thats REALLY dark Not that it matters, but im getting that color so. I dunno.. it just says "navy" on the box. was a little darker then my itech navy so I liked it hehe
  20. Well along with my NEW Mission Intake Helmet, and my Warrior starskie, I had another Warrior come in from Saginaw Peranis (85flex this time) woohoo, just in time for my Blenheim tourny this weekend! (BIG HUGE thanks to netminder32 for supporting my gear whoring habit.. love ya babe! :D )
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