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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bigdmac

  1. When the splints get taken out it can be pretty rough, but immediatly after you'll notice how much better you can actually breathe. Such a relief when everything is finished! Good luck the rest of the way, don't hesitate if you have any more questions!
  2. Pain is minimal following surgery, and painkillers will be prescribed for any discomfort you may experience. Following surgery, you would need to refrain from exercising for at least four weeks. Not following this guideline will increase your swelling and delay the healing time. The first two/three days are the most "painful/annoying" because of the packing. After that you will feel congested for around two weeks. Once the packing is taken out after your surgery (Usually 2- 3 days), you will notice a difference immediately, and as time goes on, things will only improve.
  3. You will most likely feel congested for about two weeks after that you should be fine. When everything is healed up you will not regret this surgery one bit , it's amazing how much better things can be when you can actually breathe!
  4. Me too man, me too
  5. I've had the septoplasty surgery twice now, and both times it has been amazing! I had problems breathing through my nose since I was about 15, and when I finally decided I couldn't take it any more (at 27) the surgery was unbelievable. The only thing I regretting was not getting it sooner. If you're stuck on whether to get the surgery or not, I would go witth Chadd's advice and check for alergies first because there can be very mild cases of a deviated septums. Since you said you've had sinus infections, ear infections, and bronchitis they can all be related to some sort of alergic reation. I would suggest getting you're alergies checked first, but if nothing comes from those tests, the septoplasty is a really minor surgery and you shouldn't worry at all about it.
  6. Had a really fun game today, and I don't even know why. We lost 5-3 to the first place team, I missed a breakaway but picked up a nice assit. For some odd reason I just had a little more fun than usual!
  7. It's not about if you win or lose, it's about how many you show up for!
  8. I picked up Sam Ganger in my pool on Wednesday, 8 points tonight is enough to earn him another start next game!
  9. Got to go to my first Leaf game in about three years tonight, and they played like total crap :(
  10. Oh man, that's a pretty rough chirp! Never heard that one before
  11. ... yet. Keep your head up, good things happen to good people.
  12. Way to go man! This defiantly deserves a spot in the thread! How did the game go!?
  13. Well you deserve all the credit in the world for trying to bring him back.
  14. I totally understand what your talking about. I've been an ER Doctor for just about ten years now, and I'm currently on another residency to become an anesthesiologist. I was going to offer you any sort of help you may need if you had aspirations on becoming a doctor, but I'm not to familiar with the path on becoming a veterinarian. The only thing I can say is to stick with it, and don't let anything stop you.
  15. Just out of pure curiosity, do you have aspirations on becoming a doctor?
  16. It seems like that at first, but don't get dicouraged about it. The first year is always the hardest, but things will get better as long as you show to up to your classes and study. When it's all finished you'll realize how good it actually is. Stay with it and don't get down on your yourself.
  17. For some reason the Layton death really saddened me. I always voted him, and it's truly incredible what he managed to do for his party. A really good man with a great outlook on life, I wish his family all the best. RIP Jack Layton
  18. Of all the things on this thread, this has to be one of the worst things I read.
  19. You can do things like that over and over, and the feeling never gets old.
  20. Those old Modano SiCores are easily one of my favourite sticks ever made
  21. Are you on any sort of medication?
  22. Wow, it's funny you said that, I had almost the same thing happen at my dojo today. We had a new guy come in claiming he was a "black belt" in wrestling. (Wrestling doesn't give belts) He asked me for a couple free clases, saying he has "experience" in martial arts. I have no problem with giving free clases so I let him in, and he was an issue right away. He was driving everyone nuts, so I asked him if he wanted to go against my 17 year old son. At first he didn't want to, saying they were in different weight classes (he was about 50 pounds heavier) He finally agreed, and in about 30 seconds was taken down and put in an arm triangle choke, decided not to tap, and was choked unconscious. Needless to say, I don't think he'll be back tomorrow!
  23. I'm sorry man, death is the worst thing that can happen. It's even worse if it happens more than once in a short time.
  24. Yeah I heard about that today at work. Another ridiculas story, seeing the man who drank the windshield washer fluid was a cardiologist. If he really wanted to kill himself, he would 100% know how. If he was depressed, he could have gotten another doctor to prescribe him with some antidepressants. As a doctor myself, I would have no problem going and talking to another doctor about some problem I'm having, and I'm sure they would have no problem prescribing me with something to help me out. I have no sympathy for people like him or Casey Anthony, they should both be locked up for the rest of their miserable lives.
  25. What an absolute joke. Kills her kid and gets away with it... pathetic
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