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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bigdmac

  1. Thank you, it really appreciate it. It's funny you say that though because I think if for some reason I had to leave the hospital, I would want to become a firefighter! As far as your question, being a PA is a fantastic job to have. I'm in Canada, and there still just being brought into the scene, so there's not too many of them. As far as I know, there pretty big in the States, and from what I've heard it's a great job to land. It does take lots of schooling though, so if your looking for something quicker I would recommend becoming a paramedic. There's no real reason behind that answer, just nurses have to put up with a lot of crap from people.(and clean a lot of it up too!) If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks man, it really means alot. And as far as your question, you're not technically dead until your brain shuts down, but when your brain shuts down there's no real hope for you coming back to life. Your brain needs oxygen to survive, and your heart provides it with the oxygen it needs, so when your heart stops pumping, the brain stops getting the oxygen it needs. Your brain can "store" some extra oxygen for about 10 minutes, give or take. So even though you no longer have any vitals, you will still have brain activity for a short time. So when you hear someone was "dead" and brought back to life, it will usually means they had no vital signs. I really don't mind answering any medical questions anybody may have in the future!
  2. A 17 year old kid was shot four times and rushed to the ER today, just as I was about to go home. I had to rush back into the hospital and prepare for an immediate surgery that lasted just over 6 hours. When we got him he had already died once in the ambulance, but was revived by the paramedics. We were able to stabilize him and successfully finish the surgery in about 6 hours and 15 minutes. The kid is now in stable condition and will soon be able to see his parents. The best part of the entire surgery is telling his family that we were able to bring their son back to life, and he is in good shape. That part of my job never gets old, although it does suck coming home at midnight to an entire family whose asleep.
  3. Try speaking with a doctor or psychiatrist they will prescribe you with some good antidepressants that will really help your cause. You have to realize that you're not crazy, people go through the same feelings as you everyday. Make an appointment with a psychiatrist, it will really help your cause.
  4. That's great news! I think I was about 15 or 16 when I was told that I had potential for a full ride scholarship to an American D1 school. Even though that was a long time ago, I still remember it like it was yesterday!
  5. If he had of hit somebody else it would be a different story, but thank god they crashed themselves. Whatever the case, I'm sad to see him go.
  6. If you're not worried about your safety or the next morning, then be my guest and step in. Do what you have to do, grab some people, throw them around. The thing is you can't do anything. It's not like you can buy some handcuffs, arrest them and drive them to the police station yourself. There are way to many legalities to do anything worth doing. If you are unaware there are still arrests and charges being made from the G20 in Toronto last year. What I'm saying is if you want to risk your safety, go for it. But for most people they have to go home to their wife and kids, wake up the next morning and go to work.
  7. Well those 90-95% of people usually have to wake up and go to work the next day. There not cops, they have no reason to stay out in downtown Vancouver until 3am because people are casuing trouble. It's not their business to step in and stop some drunken idiot from breaking things.
  8. Had the day off work today (I'm an ER doctor) so I decided during the day I would make a huge meal for the family and I. About ten minutes in, I cut my finger wide open and needed stitches. So basically I had to go into work and get stichted up by a coworker. I didn't think it was fair if I jumped ahead of everyone in line, so I waited the two hours before anyone could see me. It's not fun explaining to every nurse you see that yes; doctors get hurt too.
  9. After 9 years of university and 4 years being in the hospital, I can finally start my residency program in September!!
  10. What arena is that? It looks really familiar for some reason, I might not be right though
  11. Yup most criminals have no idea about the real world. I once had my car broken into and all they took was a massive roll of Canadian Tire money (probably only around 6-7 dollars worth) and all the change i had laying around (maybe about 10 dollars). They completly avoided the huge amount of tools i had sitting in the back seats of my car. The tools were easily worth 2-3 grand. I guess in a way it was a thing people are stupid lol.
  12. Man, those gloves are incredible! Where did you find those bad boys?
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