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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Birthday 12/05/1983

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  1. Habs 21 Whats with your SL ?? Is it the Prototype???
  2. bauer 5000 hemet Nike v11 shins bauer xv gloves bauer 80 90 skates
  3. Take your skates back to the place where you got them and ask them to punch out area where it hurts.
  4. Thanks yglod11! but iam not looking to buy. edit: by the way, are they high end and do they comes with a sandpaper like texured blade. Also do they come in standard too? Thanks
  5. Hey Badkitty what is that harrow shaft you got there and if you don't mind how much was that!
  6. Miike did you spraypaint the Holders.
  7. There different the green one has carbon fiber weave on it while the black ones are just left over synergy shafts painted black. (iam not sure correct me it wrong)
  8. Next time try to make it more like this C Insteid of (
  9. Is the Reasponse Armor the Reasponse plus's replacement? And thanks JR!
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