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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockeymass last won the day on April 15 2013

hockeymass had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

11 Good


  • Skates
    CCM Jetspeed FT365
  • Hockey Bag
    Some ugly red Reebok thing
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 20K
  • Elbow Pads
    Easton Synergy EQPro
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Nexus 400
  • Pants
    CCM U+ CL
  • Helmet
    Easton E700 Shiny Black w/ Bauer HS22 Visor
  • Gloves
    Reebok 4 Roll
  • Stick
    True A5.2

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  • Location
    Boston, MA
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  1. Back to hockey and MSH after a LOOOOONG vacation. Now I have a house and a wife so I don't have too much cash for hockey gear. Helmet: Easton E700 w/ Oakley Visor Shoulders: Bauer Nexus 400 Elbows: Easton Synergy EQ Pro Gloves: Reebok 4 Roll, pretty sure they're a Pure SMU Pants: CCM U+ CL Shins: Reebok 11K Skates: CCM Jetspeed FT365, another Pure SMU haha Sticks: True A5.2, Reebok 20k Bag: Reebok
  2. I definitely feel like the 95/75 has more bite than the 100/50. I personally have a hard time comparing FBV cuts to ROH because to me the feel is significantly different.
  3. It's definitely a training problem, or a not-giving-a-shit problem, I'm just amazed at how widespread it is.
  4. Is it really significantly more difficult to sharpen Flat Bottom vs. ROH? I ask because I've brought my skates to two places (chains that are fairly well known that I won't name) and both places absolutely mangled my edges. The most recent one was absolutely horrendous, completely ground off the inside edge of my left skate and wrecked the right skate pretty badly too. My brother went there to get his skates done too (before I found out how badly they destroyed mine) and the guy was bitching about how hard it is to do Flat Bottom (this particular place actually does Blademaster, not Blackstone, but obviously same basic idea). I'm having a hell of a time finding a place that can cut my skates in a pinch and I just don't understand how so many places can be so bad at it.
  5. I think the original question was more asking "is there anyone who has used it for a long time and can provide information on it?", not just asking if a person existed who had used it for a long time.
  6. The CLs are pretty sick. They suck off the shelf, but broken in they are real nice.
  7. Nice pickup, those are some gorgeous skates.
  8. Sorry for your loss, man.
  9. For 10 bucks they could say Chickenf***er on the cuff and I'd take em in a heartbeat. If you're determined enough you could probably take some time and remove the name.
  10. Bauer's newer pants are beast. I got a pair of last year's X:60s on closeout for $100 and they are just the best pants I've ever worn.
  11. That's awesome. I absolutely loved both pairs of Tacks I owned (1052s and Pros) and was devastated when they no longer fit me right. I am actually going to be putting the Pros up for sale as soon as I can find the time to take some good pics of them.
  12. Where did you find those? I swear I've seen them before.
  13. Due to the fire and subsequent blackout in Boston, my office was closed for two days. I used those two days to sleep in and get some stick and puck in. Good times.
  14. Looking at 60 degree weather in Boston for the next two weeks, with some days getting up to 70. Considering this time last year we were in the 20s and 30s and digging out of record snowfalls, I'll take it.
  15. There's always that one guy that takes it from edgy and charged to "well, this is f***ed up".
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