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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by hunt3rsean

  1. Get to use the Easton RS skates I recently purchased from a MSH member. First time I've owned a "high end" model skate and by far the best fit/comfort of any skate I've used. Very excited to use it...and play more hockey of course.
  2. While we've been home for about 48 hours now....we had our baby boy on Friday morning. He is our third (and final) child. We have two girls and wanted to try one last time for a boy. Both baby and Mom are healthy. We've been home since Sunday afternoon and everything has been good. While not "liking" that you had to get a divorce in the first place, but happy for you that it's finalized. I've had two close friends go through it and the relief they showed once it was finalized was huge. So congrats to be it being done and hope the beer was frosty!
  3. This is why I put the cage back on. It wasn't even an issue of dealing with the pain. . .I can't afford the medical bills. After seeing two friends go through it I decided it wasn't worth it.
  4. I've been wearing a half visor for the last 3 or so years. No major injury to me, but have had two friends lose teeth. Decided it was time to put the cage on and previous times have hated it. Originally went with the itech visor/cage combo but the one I bought didn't fit my face correctly. So I just bit the bullet and put a cage I've had for awhile on. Played last night and it didn't bother me one bit. It will take a few games to get completely used to it, but was very happy that it didn't bother me. Found that wearing the cage also gives me another level of "confidence" when going into board battles and crashing the crease. Was always worried about that errant stick lift catching me in the teeth.
  5. League kept our super bowl playoff sched. A lot of the guys showed... But we got the notoriously bad refs because they were the only ones willing to work. While I feel bad reffing isn't a real excuse....tonight was bad. Guys tossed from both teams because the officials didn't care. Blah.
  6. Last season the director specifically made a note about Superbowl Sunday in the playoff schedule email. I was really surprised to see he didn't skip it this year. Pretty sure we won't field a team if he doesn't change it. - Haha.
  7. Just realized my rec league teams first playoff game is scheduled the same night as super bowl. Seriously?!!!
  8. That curve just baffles me. haha.
  9. Goal, Assist, plenty of ice time, and the W last night. We were pretty short benched in our rec league game against the top team. Felt good to grind out the win. One of those games where everybody is clicking and making the right plays. Doesn't happen to often - HA!
  10. Lots of hockey for me tomorrow. 2 final rec league tournament games with a WHL Winterhawks game sandwiched between them.
  11. Got the 24/48 hour stomach bug that's been going around the office. Can't eat or drink without needing to go visit the toilet. Finally starting to feel better, but this is the 2nd time I've had it. Brutal.
  12. Now that I own a house I want to get one of these as well. Problem is my driveway is also up hill. I've thought about trying to set it up so that I shoot from the inside out so I'm shooting off a flat surface. or....I'm going to with that roll down canvas deal that just has the pockets for each of the 5 shooting spots. But that looks very cool. I'm def. jealous.
  13. I read the news story on this. Very sad. As a father this is my greatest fear. Thoughts and prayers with the family.
  14. I do not work in the Hockey industry, but I do understand the basis of a MAP program. Now, I'm not 100% on what type of MAP system hockey companies make shops abide by, but this is what Total Hockey is going by. MAP programs, in very basic terms, make shops not advertise below a set price. However, the shop has the ability to sell the product below this price (in store) if they so choose. You see Best Buy do this all the time with electronics. Or you'll see sporting good stores say "see in store for price" or something similar on the flyer. This is what Total Hockey (and I've seen other shops as well) is doing based on your post. Is it fair? Tough to say. Does it put smaller/independent shops in a bind? Yes, it can to a point. You will see a lot of Mom & Pop shops start selling customer service to make up for the pricing differences. As far as Total Hockey short changing themselves...not really. They are planning to sell on volume to make up on the margin loss I'm guessing. I could be wrong though.
  15. Save them. Build a stick chair. Still sucks. I hate the feeling you get right as your stick breaks. Ugh.
  16. That and the guy who leaves his glove on. Sucks that guys just can't let it go once you hit the handshake line. As soon as the 3rd buzzer sounds everything should be left on the ice. I know you're still on the ice in the handshake line, but you get what I mean.
  17. Congrats! We are having our third and it's our first boy. I'm calling it good at 3 kids though. Can't imagine 5! Oh...and we are moving into the new house tomorrow. Had the new fridge delivered today. Picked up a bunk bed set for the kids and got it all cleaned up for the move last night. Great feeling knowing we will be living in the home in another 24hours.
  18. Yup, I'm a fan of that thought process. I make a joke to people saying "you spend money to save money". And for things like appliances (among other categories) is proves true.
  19. Thanks! Yea, that thought has been in the back of my mind for awhile now. Seeings as how maintenance has had to extensive repair on my present washer 3-4 times because I keep dumping my hockey gear in it. Safe to say I won't be washing my gear that way when I have to do, or pay, the maintenance. haha.
  20. Agreed. From day 1 we decided not to be house poor just so we could be in a house. My brother and his wife are in that boat right now. But, in our area, it was cheaper to purchase a home versus renting an apartment with the space we needed. (Note: I said needed....not wanted. Our mortgage payment is $300-$400 less than we'd be paying for an apartment that would give us the space we needed. It was the right decision.) We tried a short sale because we weren't really in a time crunch and wanted to try for that great "deal". Well, we found out the time/hassle vs saving that amount of $$$ just wasn't worth it for us. The home is modest, but gives us the space we need and is a great starter home. Very excited to be moved in shortly.
  21. I am finally on the last stage of purchasing my first home. The wife and I have been looking for a home for at least a year. Between short sales, flaky sellers, and not finding the right home.....we've finally done it. Looking to sign our lives away in about 2 weeks and be first time home owners. Very excited.
  22. ah, makes sense. I have retail CL's and they are pilling right in that spot.
  23. Those CL's are amazing!! What is that piece on the palm? A grip patch?
  24. That was my thought. Looks like the back of all the NY Rangers gloves.
  25. If you're never sure...I always learned the "Hey, if you need anything just let me know." comment tends to work best. You've acknowledged to the customer that you know they are there and you're there to help, but allows them to decide whether they want to ask questions or not.
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