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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by LkptTiger

  1. Is it just me, or is there a Hell of a LOT of net showing behind your tendie(s)?
  2. I'd take some of the "older" skates over a lot of the higher end stuff available today. Hell, I just switched back to Vapor 10s (remember those?) after a few years in Graf G35s and G35 Ultras.
  3. Wow. It's a good thing I don't believe in that stuff: I wear a hockey jersey at one point or another nearly every single day, and I look like an asshat if I don't shave for three or four days. Back to the topic, though (or at least closer to it): when I was planning on moving up to Canada to play Junior, I was thinking about getting a tattoo somewhere (probably on my back or biceps) that would have said something to the effect of "Made in America." I decided against it, since I'm not the first American to have played some minor hockey in Canada, and I'm certainly not the first to play Junior up there...and, on top of that, I didn't want to differentiate myself from my teammates. Then I got hurt, which really made the whole thing a non-issue, anyways.
  4. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...showtopic=34967
  5. Yeah, that's right. I've got the Farah Fawcette head-flip down to a science, too...except for the time I cracked the side of my head against the corner of a short-ish cabinet. That sucker bled.
  6. My "scruffy look" is something straight-out of the trailer park. I might be able to pull off a goatee-of-sorts, sideburns, too - but I figure it best to shave it all. Not that I have a choice. Facial hair on Abercrombie & Fitch employees is forbidden...lol.
  7. Sweet shots, Edge. Do you play with your hair down over your forehead like that? Have a problem with sweat dripping from your hair onto your visor and into your eyes? I'm a fan of the long-ish "hockey hair" (my style is like that worn by the actor who played Jack O'Callahan in "Miracle"), and have to make sure it gets pulled/flipped backwards before I put my helmet on, or else I have problems with more sweat dripping down my face and issues with my helmet shifting more than normal when I take a hard hit.
  8. A combination of good shaving cream, a Fusion Power razor and some nice, soothing lotion keeps those problems to a minimum, Radio. That and a general lack of facial hair. I'm young yet, and it's really not coming in too thick - I get a bit of the teenage "goatee," some stuff under my jawline, and some crustache which I definitely have to stay on top of. Aside from that, there's not much that requires enough pressure to do any damage to the upper layers of skin. ;)
  9. One of the guys who works in the shop with me lives by the mantra "You look good, you feel good; you feel good, you play good." As an English major, part of me dies a little bit inside each time he says it, but it rings true for a lot of players - myself included. I've spent a lot of time shopping for shirts, ties, pants, belts, shoes, jackets, etc. to wear to games, and take a lot of time preparing before I go to the rink (shave before every game - even if there's nothing there...and it can take a long time getting the flow to look right). If I get to the rink feeling and looking fresh, it gives me a little more bounce to my step. Same goes for equipment - which I keep as clean and good-looking as possible. It might be partially due to some sort of obsessive compulsion, but I go through a lot to keep my stuff looking and feeling the way I like it. I'm not going to go into specifics concerning my equipment "upkeep" habits - I'll just tell you that they're quite extensive. I wouldn't necessarily say "style over substance," as I definitely value the fit and performance of a piece of equipment over it's appearance - but it doesn't hurt if something looks good, too.
  10. What part of "Actually, I didn't have a favorite team" didn't that guy get?
  11. It looks to be the East Coast league - I highly doubt he was "charged" or "fined." That looks to be a Hell of a lot of damage to be done by a fist. I wouldn't be surprised if that guy was opened-up by a stick or a visor beforehand, or maybe he took a header to the ice during the fight itself.
  12. Both - and they might have a closer connection than you would think: the purchase of cigarettes necessitates that one carry a wallet; and history has taught us that over-zealous cops might shoot you (41 times or whatever) should you choose to carry a wallet.
  13. Don't you know that those things will kill you?
  14. Ugh. Are you serious? It's because he's white!
  15. Personally, I'm a fan of the accent on the guy behind the camera. If that doesn't say "This is hockey country" then I don't know what does.
  16. That's just stellar defense, right there.
  17. Compared to? Michigan isn't exactly tropical.
  18. Thanks, boys. I had a pair back when they were "the shit," so-to-speak. I went to the XXs when they came out, and have jumped-around between Graf and NBH since. I've been searching for another pair of 10s for about two years now, and haven't had any success until recently when I found-out we had a pair buried in my shop's stock-room (luckily enough, they happened to be my size)...along with a few extra sets of PITCH holders. Voilà
  19. I've been looking for a new pair of these for awhile now - FINALLY got my hands on one...: Bauer Vapor 10s with PITCH 3 holders (and no, in case anyone is wondering, I didn't keep the grey TUUKs that originally came with them, so they won't be available for sale). ...not to mention the black Graf waxed laces.
  20. Your = Possessive; "Your skates are ugly." You're = Contraction of words "you" and "are"; "You're a toolbox."
  21. Thanks, TBLfan. I was hoping someone would say it. It's not spellcheck; it's simple grammar. Seriously, don't get pissy because you've got some brutal skates. A lot of guys in this thread (as well as the "Photos of Yourself" thread) have dealt with negative reactions to the aesthetic value of their equipment without getting touchy about it. If you like tacky-looking cinder blocks tied to your feet, that's your own call - it's your gear, after all. This is an open forum with an accepted and understood hierarchy (yes, internet hierarchy...it might sound kinda sad, but that's the way this site was formed), so you know that people are going to share their opinions (whatever they are) and that there are a few guys who can say pretty much whatever they want. There have been guys who challenged things before, but they usually didn't last too long.
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