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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by jlp15

  1. I can't believe the E28 is not going to be offered in a blade. If you want to try it it's got to be the new Mako or nothing. Your mean Easton.
  2. Does anybody know if its possible to order a boot that was already made for a pro? Have a pair and love them but would like a replacement don't see any serial number or anything like with easton pro boots. But can bauer do this just with a reference or is there a specific way they track which boot is which? Thanks Guys
  3. New skates rs on tuuk ls2
  4. Helmet - e700 w/ Oakley pro straight Shoulders - Easton st16 NHL Elbows - Easton 55s soft Pants - Easton synergy 700 pro stock Shins - Reebok 9k Skates - Easton rs black tuuks ls2 Gloves - Easton rs pro stock custom Twigs - base natural bc06 80 flex
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