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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by jlp15

  1. Why don't we resume talking about the skates themselves. You guys should PM your science projects
  2. If you pay for customs. Not every pair will be custom
  3. Was going to buy Makos. That's out the window. VH customs will be my next boot!
  4. Can't wait. JR thanks for posting this!
  5. I'm just a fan of a black boot nothing else. Old school i guess!
  6. Should sharpie that orange and black out the whole skate
  7. Certainly has an MLX look to it. So weird.
  8. Isn't that a Harrow blade? Eagle 2004 World Cup Edition WC04 Team Russia Gloves
  9. Today was a GREAT day. Heatley day in fact. The collection of Heatley's is growing...
  10. Those skates would be filthy with white laces.
  11. First conversion. T-nuts. Justin Falk pro stock one95's Labeda Hum'er Revision Variant Plus Revision Abec 7 Bearings
  12. Dennis Seidenbergs skates. Looks like a T-nut install. Thought this was pretty interesting.
  13. I should be able to find it. Did you use 4 prong or 3 prong t nuts? I can't believe this isn't a standard thing way easier than rivets and in terms of swapping holders it seems like a pretty easy way to do it. Did you order them from mcmaster-carr?
  14. Where can one purchase t-nuts? How difficult is the install? Would like this option for converting my one95 boots.
  15. Haven't wore Graf's for years. Those new G9035's have caught my eye. We'll see if its those or the Apx2 for next year.
  16. http://i1359.photobucket.com/albums/q783/jlp151/T2eC16FHJG8E9nyfmG3UBQ8m6zZNg60_57_zps5fad2afd.jpg Ribs Black SE16. Been waiting for some of these to show up forever. Finally eBay comes through with some! Tried to post the pic Photobucket isn't working out for whatever reason
  17. Anybody know what protective is being released in Jan?
  18. Those x60s are sick!! EBay?
  19. Anybody know of the Mako2 shafts well be released jan 3 as well? IW already has pre orders up for the M2 as well for anybody that wanted to know.
  20. Hence why I said there mean haha. 250 instead of 60 SOB's. Either way they well be taking my money Jan 3 Also JR when you said that some protective well be in stores any chance the Mako mitt well be in there?
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