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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About hehatemefrisbee

  • Birthday 09/30/1984


  • Skates
    Easton 1300
  • Stick
    Bauer one95 & Warrior Dolomite
  • Gloves
  • Helmet
    CCM V08
  • Pants
    Shells with mission girdle

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Athens, GA
  • Interests
    Hockey, Rugby, soccer, music
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  1. From the image it looks like its still usable, but man they did not give a shit about doing damage. Taking copper rivets off can be a pain, and you usually have to use some kind of hammer and chisel set up. However, whenever I did it I was always careful, especially on inlines, to not to any damage. Some paint may come off here and there, but it looks like they really went to town, and probably hit it too hard, cracking it in the process. Id put some super glue in the cracked area and hope for the best.
  2. Saw the skates this weekend at Total Roller in Novi MI. Very impressed with what you guys have! all the skates look great, especially CA9 and CA7
  3. well its a hard thing to price really. Like DS said above, when someone brings in skates that are beat to shit, the repair job becomes that much more difficult (expensive) The bottom line is that when these repairs come in, the customer is not only paying for parts, they are paying for my time.
  4. depends on the situation for how labor intensive. If its a straight swap (like for like) its pretty easy. If i have to install a new holder then it can be a pain in the ass, as it involves drilling, etc. Typically, i'd charge $75-$100 including the holders.
  5. Yeah not feeling work today. I am too hungover for this shit
  6. I would leave the tears. Shows they are game used
  7. Yeah one tourney and a league game. They are great wheels. Grip well, have good speed. Im a fan. All of my teammates that have them seem to say the same things. I think the biggest thing that I could say is that I dont notice them. Which means I dont think about wheels while im playing, just worry about playing, if that makes sense.
  8. i never had issues, but got the week free anyway
  9. Thats par for the course Jimmy. We had a dick the other day. Right before a peewee game, we have like 6 sharpenings come in. No biggy, we get them done before with plenty of time to spare. Kids come get their skates, and there is one pair left. This dad comes in and starts freaking out that his skates are missing blah blah blah! we go well, these are the only ones we have here, are they yours? he goes no, my kids are MUCH better than these, those are junk my kid has Vectors, not CCM (idiot)!! starts yelling at us, telling us how terrible we are etc. So we give the kid a pair of rentals to try to rectify whatever we did wrong and he plays his game. So after the game we take the extra pair of skates in, and start asking if they were anyone's. So the kid of the asshole dad goes, oh yeah those are mine. Made that guy look like a total dick, and of course we didnt get an apology. I wonder if he will buy new skates for his son, since the ones he had were so terrible.
  10. For as much as some customers do get on my nerves, there are some great customers at my rink. And I like to think that i try to treat everyone the same, but if there is a guy that routinley spends his money at my shop, of course im going to take care of him. For instance, I had a guy in my shop yesterday. The dude had never played organized hockey, but wanted to sign up for one of our leagues, and needed equipment. To make a long story short, I ended up outfitting him for over $600 worth of gear. But with that, I threw in soakers, 3 rolls of tape, and some sex wax. These things are little things, that dont cost me much, but i like to think that this guy will remember my store first from now on. Hopefully, he will be a life-long customer. I do have several that only shop with me. They appreciate that we are a small shop in an area that isnt exactly hockey crazy. I think some people dont understand how little money there is in hockey retail. Unless you are a big store that can afford buy closeout items for hardly anything, life isnt easy. If you look back at the posts in this thread, I think you see a few common themes: 1) Impatience - The level of impatience in today's society is alarming. I think if everyone took a moment to relax for just a minute, people would be a lot happier. 2) Ignorance - Lets face it, most people arent like your average MSH member. They likely dont know much about what they are buying, and need guidance. 3) Bad Customer Service - All of us retailers are guilty of once in a while not doing good enough in this aspect. I know I have had a few situations I wish i could re-do, but I also know the big stores are a lot worse. On top of that they have also conditioned some customers to expect poor service, so to counter that, they come in treating you like dirt. A cycle that we can only hope to try to close on our end. But, this is a place to vent about the customers that you just have to laugh about. And there are a lot. Sometimes there are situations that only a proshop worker, no matter where from, would understand.
  11. was just gonna post this myself. We have a lot of Amish in this area, so they bring their rusty, dirty skates for me to sharpen. Hey I appreciate the business, but at the same time, i hate it when they are covered in mud and rust, and on top of that, have old crusty laces that are tied together. Yesterday after the 8th pair to come in that were like this, i finally got pissed and cut the laces. I did feel bad and threw in a new pair of laces for them though.
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