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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. It’s that time, have to get a new bucket. My last helmet was Bauer IMS 9, fit awesome. Went to the store and for some reason every single helmet now fits horrible, the prices are off the charts, but each helmet feels like a rough piece of cardboard on my head. What’s the deal with these new helmets? Anyone got a recommendation for something that would fit similar to IMS 9?
  2. On 703s I had step steel with a custom profile 8'/13'. Ribcors had stock 10'. Runners are different heights, holders are quite a bit different too. That said transition was pretty quick, felt awkard for the first couple of minutes on the ice, but after about 15 minutes of skating it felt pretty natural. As far as balance points I felt a bit more on my heels with the Ribcors, but it wasn't drastic. Comparatively the Jetspeeds actually pushed me more forward. Honestly the only weird thing was the extra room in the toecap. Everything else was fairly easy to adapt to.
  3. Tried these out. Post bake fit amazing around the heel and ankle, it just feels like there's foam all around your foot, its really comfortable. Unfortunately the toe cap and the forefoot is actually fairly wide and has more volume, my foot was just swimming in there. Had to swap them out for Jetspeeds, which looks like it has a narrower toecap and less volume in the forefoot. Its kind of a weird fit between the two lines, neither is really specifically a narrow or wide fit. Ribcor is a tight heel, wide forefoot and toecap and more volume in the front, Jetspeed is a wider heel, but narrower forefoot and toecap and less volume upfront. These are just my observations. I'm coming off of Graf 703 wide boot, so low volume narrow boot with a tight heel. Ribcor was supposed to be the ticket, but Jetspeed turned out to fit a lot better.
  4. These look great, best looking skate ccm has made recently. Curious about the fit and if the whole "flexible construction" actually works or if its all just marketing. I guess it makes sense to pick the narrowest boot and make it so it stretches to fit? Maybe? Wonder how the heel works, like the heel size and shape is usually a pre determined part of the skate thats pretty rigid, it either works for you or it doesn't.
  5. Well it sounds like your only option is to get that 272 holder under the boot, nothing else will do the trick. Buy the skates that fit you best and then put on the larger holder. that or just untrain yourself and get used to the shorter runner. Personally I would recommend just getting used to the shorter steel, you're going to buy another pair of skates eventually, and every time you do you'll have to mount a different size holder on them every time. That's a lot of hassle and a lot of extra money. Just my two cents.
  6. Messing with the runner is probably the easiest thing to do and where you'll get the most options for customization. Easier and cheaper to swap out runners than holders and there's a TON you can do with the steel to get it feeling just right. Talk to the guys at No Icing, I'm sure they'll have a solution for you, they'll do changes for free too if it doesn't work right away. I bet if you had a taller runner with a flatter profile you could get the same feel as a longer runner that you used to have.
  7. Is everyone getting these? I wonder if my kid really needs to go to college, maybe he should look into careers where a college degree isn't required?
  8. rawkstar

    Reebok Ribcor

    Reebok Ribcor Grip Flex: 85, cut down to 55" (91 flex as shown on the shaft) Curve: P87A Crosby Height: 5'10" Weight: 180 Postition: Forward Time-frame of use: About a month. Recently Used Sticks: Warrior DT1, True 5.2, Reebok AI 7, Bauer Nexus 4000, Inno Thunderdome, CCM CS shaft with APX blade. Intro: I've been playing hockey since around 6, I'm now just doing beer league and random stick time/drop ins. I've heard a lot of good things about the ribcor so I picked one up on sale. I'm not attached to any particular stick brand, I've tried a bunch, my usual go tos are the sticks right below top of the line or the top of the line mark downs. As for playing style I'm your typical defensive liability forward, I'll get in the zone and try to beat the d, if I can't I'll opt for a shot. I take a lot of quick wristers and snappers from just about everywhere. I'm not super dangly, but I'll pop a toe drag every once in awhile. I cut my sticks short and I do the candy cane tape job all the way down the shaft for extra grip and leverage on shots, I tend to hold the stick quite loosely and the tape helps secure that bottom hand on shots and load the stick better. Aesthetics: This stick looks awesome, really slick and the little green E ribcor logo looks really nice, very pro look, not too flashy. I really liked the look. 10/10 Weight and Balance: This is not the absolute lightest stick out there, which was a little bit disappointing considering this is the top of the line reebok stick. Its by no means heavy but certainly not as light as the top of the line bauers and sherwoods. That said its got great balance and still feels quite light in your hands, perfectly usable, I just expected it to be maybe a little bit lighter. 9/10 Blade: The blade is a bit pingy, but I never found that to be a problem. Puck feel was nice, not amazing buttery soft like its glued to your stick and you can feel it moving around, but not dead and bouncing off, just kind of snappy and lively and in a good way, certainly not something I had to fight against. 9/10 Shaft/Shooting: So yeah this is pretty much the reason to buy this stick. I've never had the puck fly off a stick with quite the same velocity as I did with the ribcor. Wristers and snappers are just absolute bombs. I remember the first time I just kind of gently lobbed the puck at the net in warmups and it just rifled it top shelf. It was definitely a harder shot than I intended. One thing I found with shooting this stick is the less effort you put in and the more you let the stick do the work the more you're rewarded. Overall I would say its by far the best and hardest shooting stick I've ever used. 10/10 Stickhandling and Passing: I'm a shoot first and ask questions later kind of guy, this stick works very well for that. Stick handling was fine, I had no complaints the combination of weight and balance with the pinginess of the blade, it worked fine. I didn't quite feel like it elevated that part of my game quite the same way as it did with the shooting, but it also wasn't something I was fighting against. I had a couple of pucks bounce off the blade accidentally when receiving a pass, but it was nothing significant. Stick handling and passing felt decent, but I always felt like this stick just wanted to do nothing other than shoot. 8/10 Durability: Soo, I've had the thing for about a month and used it maybe 6-7 times tops. Throughout that time it was used in games and practice, some of the teams we played were quite chippy and I was quite impressed with how the stick was holding up. It was totally rock solid, not even a scratch. I'm not going to lie I was totally babying this thing, if the other team would get out of hand and start slashing I would just switch to my backup stick. So that said I was taking the puck out of our zone and loaded the stick to pass it out to the wing, when i let go of the puck the blade snapped off at the hosel and went bye bye. There were no cracks around that area and it wasn't anything strenuous that caused the break. Freak accident maybe? Anyways that said it was by far the cleanest looking broken stick I've ever had. I sent it in to reebok and they were really great about it and sent me a replacement right away, which is really great of them and which really bumped up this score quite a bit 5/10 Conclusion: So in conclusion I would say this stick lobs total bombs. Its not great at much of anything else, its totally serviceable for passing and stick handling, it'll get the job done, but its not anything to write home about. Puck feel is ok, its not super light, overall its fine. What it does well is shoot, its primarily a shooters stick, and it wants to shoot all the time. If your game is built around shooting wristers and snappers then this is definitely the stick to have. I hope my one stick sample size is not an indication of how durable these things are and that it was just a freak accident that caused it to break so soon, I hope the CCM version of this stick that I got as a replacement will hold up longer. Its not a perfect stick thats great at everything, rather one that does one thing much better than the rest. 8.5
  9. No coated eyelets? I thought that would have been a no brainer after seeing all those rusty eyelet pictures on here. Or is it so minor its not worth listing as an improvement?
  10. Helmet - Reebok 11k Shoulders - Reebok 20k Pants - Reebok 20k Gloves - Reebok 9k Elbow - Reebok 20k Shin - Reebok 9K Skates - Graf 703 Sticks - 2x CCM CS+ shaft with APX blade p92 curve, awesome combo, super light and have lasted me a long time, also cost just under 100 bux each.
  11. Anyone try these with Graf holders?
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