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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Marsblade

  1. On 11/2/2024 at 1:24 AM, malcb33 said:

    Thanks this really helped.

    I ended up getting both R1's for inline and the I2's over the Summer past. I have to say I'm very impressed with the product, especially the I2's. The idea was to match both my inline and ice profiles to make switching between the two as seamless as possible. I ended up adding a 1/8" heel shim in the R1's and using the pro series H5- TF radius, which matches the Quad Zero profile with the 17ft radius on the I2's fairly well.

    I would absolutely love to see @Marsblade work with @Flare Skate Blade in the future. It's a match made in heaven for both technologies.

    Great to hear! Let me know if you have any other questions. 🙂 //Per

  2. On 5/25/2024 at 3:51 AM, malcb33 said:

    How does the pitch of these compare to Tuuk?

    Hey! The pitch of the i2s in it's forward position is about 4.5 degrees, approximately 1 degree more than a traditional holder. Depending on what rocker insert you're using your pitch rocking back will be different. With the most amount of rocker (14ft rocker insert) you'll reach a pitch of 2.9 degrees rocking back. //Per Mars, Inventor

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  3. 5 hours ago, busdriver said:

    Sweet. Thanks! 
    Any tips for the first skate on the I2?

    Im taking the I2s out tomorrow for the maiden mars voyage. 


    Nice! Just make sure to test the different inserts as they feel very different. Some guys forgets this. Make sure to challenge yourself in turns, crossovers and trusting the edges more than normal. Also, possibly going for a less sharp hollow as the more steel on the ice will help you with more bite. Some guys feel it too much bite with the same hollow. Less sharp is of course better for glide. //Per

  4. 5 hours ago, busdriver said:

    If the 01 is like ice skating how does the  i2 ice holder feel vs the 01?

    The rocker movement is much more subtle on the I2s vs the O1s as they are designed for performance vs the O1s that are designed for training. The I2s only have the rocker in the back part, the front is rigid to provide firm support when pushing off. You are still able to get a significant rocker movement with the I2s but there's always that stability in the front, so that's a significant difference between the two. Let me know if you want me to elaborate or if you have other questions. //Per

  5. On 1/26/2024 at 6:48 PM, Hawks18 said:

    @PetterErlandsson & @Marsblade - thanks for taking the time to answer questions!! It has been extremely helpful to me several years later...

    I don't know if this thread's still being tracked, but...what's the R1 radius insert that closest resembles what you'd feeling using an O1 chassis?

    ...and approximately how similar would R1 and O1 skating experiences feel, while using this radius?

    Hey man, Great questions! The O1 has an H4-T4 rocker radius. There's currently not that exact option for R1. H5-T8 would be the closest. But there's stuff cooking here so at Marsblade so stay tuned for updates in this area during the year 😉 //Per Mars

  6. 8 hours ago, Sprungdownunder said:

    I received my marsblade holders yesterday yet to skate on them but it seems that they operate a little differently then the first generation holders.

    The first gen had a torsion leaf to act as a spring where as the I2 doesn't have any spring effect & to my knowledge seems to be in the rocker effect position by default?

    Maybe someone or Per can chime in on this  but the only way I can get movement out of the heel is by pulling the blade down  with my hands so when you stand in them they are in the  compressed stage of the flex with no spring effect to drop them back down , this is with the most rocker setting.

    Yes, they operate differently. The spring is located in the front to create resistance when rocking back and pull the blade back into it's neutral position when lifting the skate up from the ice. You will need to mount the holder to the boot to get the full stiffness of the holder and see the system work properly when the blade / quick release mechanism is attached. Then you'll see that as you press down the heel you'll get the rocker.

    The old holder was in carbon fiber and was really stiff without being mounted to the boot but had some challenges in it's design. By making it in plastic we could overcome all the challenges but then it needs the stiffness of the boot to be stiff enough. 

    If you want to feel the rocker before the holder is mounted to the boot you'll need to release the blade from the quick release and then rock. 

    Hope this explains it. //Per

  7. On 10/4/2021 at 1:40 PM, CBnCO said:

    One issue that I'm trying to get my head around with the Marsblade holders is how the "Flow Motion" rocker movement relates to and interacts with the profile on the skate blade. Go read through the ProSharp site and there are now almost infinite numbers of profile patterns from Single to Quad to Ellipse. All of these profiles promises a specific performance enhancement: more blade on the ice for stability and speed, less blade on the ice for agility, forward pitch by moving balance point back Xmm, etc. and it seems the Marsblade technology is supposed to do many of these same things. For example: does a Quad 0 profile with the Marsblade holder (of course there are 5 rocker wedges to choose from!) perform and feel the exact same as with a standard holder?  Then, of course, you have the various ROH sharpening levels and all the new "flat bottom" types that promise equal bite, more glide, and the ability to use a lesser ROH equivalent for the same bite and more glide. Confusing, huh. 

    So, my real question is with the Marsblade and how it effects profiling and sharpening. Initially, I thought the Marsblade holder would replace the need for custom profiling and maybe the only other variable would be to experiment with sharpening. But, in the Marsblade literature and from their customer service person they suggest to profile as you normally would. I'm concerned that there is now an introduction of another variable to the other two (profiling and sharpening) that makes dialing in the optimal combination virtually impossible for most people without unlimited budget, ice time, and steel to experiement on. 

    I'd be interested in specific guidance from Marsblade and their engineers on the physics of how their holders interact with the blades profile and, to a lesser extent, the sharpening ROH or FBV equivalent. If the Marsblade holder actually does many of the same things a custom profile would and alleviates the need for custom profiling for most skaters there would be a considerable value add to the product, especially for those of us who don't have a competent profiling shop nearby. 





    @CBnCO Hi, 

    Good thoughts. How the steel interacts with the ice is not largely effected with Flow Motion Technology. All guys that currently are on them I'd say use the same profile as they have with the regular holders. What FMT does is that it allows for the steel to stay on the ice longer for better glide and power transfer while you get better maneuverability for better agility. So regardless of profile, FMT will give you the best of both worlds. 

    What a lot of guys do feel is that they can go for a more shallow hollow since the steel stays on the ice longer. This is very positive of course since a more shallow hollow will give you better glide and endurance. 

    So you do need to profile the steels, but no worries on needing to experiment a lot, just use the same profile and it will work awesome. //Per Mars, Inventor

  8. On 10/4/2021 at 7:17 PM, PBH said:

    I skated on the previous generation holder with and without profiled steel.

    Without my usual profiled steel it was a disaster.

    With the profiled steel I felt good, almost normal, very little time to adjust. The Marsblade helps keep the blade on the ice longer when going into/out of hard turns and such. That in combination with the proper profile for a players skating style should yield good result.

    Overall, the Gen 1 holder was good, but heavy, and the structure of it was too delicate. If this Gen 2 holder corrected those issues then it might be something to consider.


    @PBH The I2 is so much better in all aspects, completely different product in my eyes. We currently have about 10 NHL guys on them. Pretty much all NHL guys that has tried them has continued to use them and loves the feel and performance. //Per Mars, Inventor

  9. On 9/15/2021 at 2:56 AM, Vet88 said:

    I'm confused about the sizing and fit. On one page they show a range of blades? that has a 254mm size yet the sizing guide on another page is blank for a 6.5D (which I am). Does this mean I'd have to go up a holder size (to a 263) to use them? Anyone know if the holes line up with Bauer or CCM holes?


    The sizing chart refers to Bauers chart. They have different size holders on the half size skates, so a 6.5 D uses a 254 while a 6.5 EE uses a 263. Hope that makes sense. Holes lines up with the TUUK. //Per

  10. 9 hours ago, Miller55 said:

    That just looks like wear from the Rocker motion within the chassis. Kinda odd that the tolerance is so tight

    @Westside @Miller55 We want to keep the fit of the lower and upper chassis as tight as possible to get the best possible stability. Unfortunately the visible wear is therefore hard to avoid but as I think you indicate @Westside it's only aesthetic. Hope that makes sense. //Per Mars, Inventor

  11. @ivani Ok, that's what I thought. Although you get better maneuverability than with a straight setup, the downside of rockering the wheels with smaller front and rear wheels is of course that you get less stability and grip to the surface. It also gets a bit "choppy" since the rocker is more "on and off" between the different positions. With our Flow Motion Technology you get a much smoother rocker movement and weight transfer for better feel, power transfer and roll on the wheels. If you use our Standard (straight) wheel setup and want more maneuverability we suggest our Advanced setup with a smaller front wheel in addition to our technology. You could of course also put a smaller rear wheel also (as in the banana setup) but my personal opinion is that you get too much movement and lack of stability. //Per

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  12. Hi @ivani, When you're turning the weight on the wheel base shifts back and puts more pressure on the back wheels than the front wheels. Since the wheels are soft the rear wheel can even be pressed down enough so the front wheel can even lift off the ground allowing you to turn. The rocker makes it easier and more natural to shift the weight along the length of the foot and easier to put more heel pressure for easier turns. When you say banana rocker, what do you mean? //Per

  13. Hi guys, 

    Yes Bauer and Mission skates/chassis are definitely more common than our R1 chassis right now. But keep in mind that we're introducing a new technology to a conservative market and it's takes time to break through. Bauer / Mission and other roller hockey brands have been out on the market for many many years and we launched our chassis less than one year ago. You will start seeing more and more R1s going forward and in a few years everyone will be using Flow Motion Technology 🙂

    As far as durability, we've just recently changed the material in the plastic and are confident we have solved any issues with them breaking. 

    //Per, Inventor

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  14. 11 hours ago, caseyjones said:

    Yea it’s a mission penetrator 76/68 hi lo frame. I’m sure it’s fairly old. I also have the old kuzak split that ran the same set up. Anyhow, I went and ordered the small frame. I will be mounting it to a size 6.5 Easton mako. It seems like it will be a better overall fit for me. Appreciate your help! 

    Ok sounds good!


  15. 20 hours ago, caseyjones said:

    Thanks Per! I appreciate the quick response. My hesitation with the small frame would be, a potential loss of performance due to an even smaller wheel set up than my current jr. frame.  🤦🏼‍♂️.  I guess I have some contemplating to do. 

    Are you sure that you have 76 in the back on your current jr frames? I haven't seen anything else than a 72/68 setup on Hi/lo jr skates. //Per 

  16. 11 hours ago, jtkaczuk said:

    I find it disconcerting that I’ve sent an email to the company regarding a couple issues I’ve encountered with the R1 chassis and have yet to receive a response in about a week, yet questions are answered the same day on here by the creator. 

    @jtkaczuk Sorry to hear that you haven't received reply to your e-mail to our customer service. Not sure why that is, they are up to speed and should be able to get back in no more than a day or two. Please e-mail me at per@marsblade.com and I'll take it further.

    @marka I follow this thread as closely as I can and jump in when I feel it's needed or if anyone has a direct question to the extent possible. And yes, I'm not working in customer support daily, need to work on new and improving our current products 🙂 


  17. @JSchultz Sorry, the first picture I sent was the Large chassis, Here's the Medium chassis according to drawings. So they seem to be correct. Can you try measuring the wheels again. It seems very strange that they would touch if your 76mm wheels are actually smaller. I'd be happy to get on a call if you want to discuss how to proceed. Feel free to call me at +4670 328 88 35. Or e-mail me at per@marsblade.com and I'll give you a call. //Per


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