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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bizz22 last won the day on August 4 2024

Bizz22 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

6 Neutral

About Bizz22

  • Birthday 12/15/1991


  • Skates
  • Hockey Bag
    Bauer Pro
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Nexus 1000
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer APX2
  • Shoulder Pads
    Tacks 5092
  • Pants
    Jetspeed 390
  • Helmet
    Bauer Re-AKT
  • Gloves
    CCM 4R Pro
  • Stick
    1X Lite

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  • Location
    Portland, Or
  • Gender

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  1. I personally never liked the felt tongues, they just seemed to break down too quickly for me. I've been using the catalyst pro tongues for the last couple years and never had any problems with them. Switching to the 3D printed tongue made the boot feel better. It's a little thicker than the catalyst pro's I've been using. Lots of air flow while skating, boots dry a little quicker and they have a nice flex when skating.
  2. I've been using them for about two weeks and really like them.
  3. Hey guys, I have a customer coming in for CCM custom skates and it looks like they changed some of the options since the last time I've done a pair. I reached out to CCM but they never got back to me. I was wondering what all the different ankle pads were. They list out more than before. Donut #1 Donut #2 Donut #3 FT6 Pro Retail XF Pro Retail Thick (70K/80K) If anyone could give me a breakdown on these that would be great. Thanks!
  4. Looks like you can get a PM9 on the Pro Custom Sticks.
  5. That would be great. I have a kid coming in for full customs tomorrow and haven't heard anything back from CCM.
  6. Is there a spec sheet available for the custom plus skate options? One that explains all the liner and ankle pad options?
  7. Does anyone know what the True MC3 Curve is? I've heard it floating around but haven't seen one in person.
  8. Does anyone know what T4R means?
  9. Does anyone have a picture of the upgraded Met guard tongue? I've seen the T-guard but not this one.
  10. Have you tried the original Re-Akt in a large? I have found they fit on the bigger side and had a few guy who wear the 4500 in an XL try the Re-Akt in a large and loved the way it fit.
  11. What kind of special tweaks?
  12. Does anyone know how the holes of the new Shift holder line up compared to the regular true/VH holder? I haven't had a chance to do a swap yet.
  13. You can always try and have the skates stretched to gain some more width.
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