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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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chrisehyoung last won the day on January 24 2014

chrisehyoung had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

14 Good

About chrisehyoung

  • Birthday 11/26/1975


  • Skates
    Reebok 18k
  • Hockey Bag
    Team Canada Backpack
  • Shin Pads
    Easton Synergy
  • Elbow Pads
    Easton Synergy
  • Shoulder Pads
    Hespeller something or other
  • Pants
    Reebok 5K
  • Helmet
    Bauer 7500 with Re-Akt cage, Bauer 5000 with iTech visor
  • Gloves
    Graf Era5, Bauer Vapor XVI
  • Stick
    Miken Vicious 3.0, CCM RBZ 80

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  • Location
    London, ON
  • Gender
  1. A friend of mine owns a guitar company and he made 5 '59 Les Paul replicas a couple years ago. They are a sweet sounding guitar. I am still playing my Carparelli LP knockoff but it's a great guitar for the cash. I've sold off most of my gear over the years but still hang on to my Mexican Fat Strat, LP knockoff, 2 Washburn acoustics, and my Vox Valvetronix 40+. That's more than I need anymore.
  2. Picked up a Dynasty AXY-SYM, 85 flex, Gionta curve. Taped up and ready to go to hockey tonight. Wanted to wait for a Covert DT1/LT but couldn't pass this up for $79.
  3. My local Source For Sports has demo skates for most of their higher end skates. I tried on a pair of the RBZs when they came out. I got to skate in them for a week to try before dropping $800. I'm just waiting for them to sell of their demo skates now. I'm curious now to know if they have demo Makos. I'd love to give them a go.
  4. Pictures are helpful too. Not rules, just a recommendation.
  5. Not gear but I thought i'd show it off.
  6. Really digging the RBZ protective line. At first look I wasn't sure if I liked the 30k gloves but after a few looks I really do.
  7. These are from back in 2008. Still skating on my old Nike skates, using a Koho stick, and back in the days of the visor.
  8. Funny that I did it playing ball hockey at work and it was my boss that caused it. He's just happy to have me back so we can continue to chirp each other during games.
  9. After 8 weeks on the shelf with a fractured pelvis, bulged disc, and 3 pinched nerves, I played quite possibly the worst game i've played in years. This is my second week back but tonight was especially bad. I had hands of stone and feet to match. I seemed to always be in the wrong spot. The upside was my passing was crisp and on the mark for the most part so i'll take that positive and run with it.
  10. Skates - Reebok 18k Helmet - Bauer 7500 with Re-akt cage, Bauer 5500 with Itech visor Gloves - Graf Era5, Bauer Vapor XVI Shoulder - Hespeller something or other that need to be replaced Elbow - Easton Synergy...also need to be replaced Shin - Easton Synergy S? Pants - Easton Motion Elite, Reebok 5k Stick - Miken Vicious 3.0 P88 curve, CCM RBZ 80 Landeskog curve Bag - Team Canada backpack style, unsure of brand Socks - Tron elite in Blackhawks colours The skates were a recent upgrade as was the Re-akt cage and Miken stick. Still looking to upgrade the rest as finances permit.
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