Skates - Reebok 18k Helmet - Bauer 7500 with Re-akt cage, Bauer 5500 with Itech visor Gloves - Graf Era5, Bauer Vapor XVI Shoulder - Hespeller something or other that need to be replaced Elbow - Easton Synergy...also need to be replaced Shin - Easton Synergy S? Pants - Easton Motion Elite, Reebok 5k Stick - Miken Vicious 3.0 P88 curve, CCM RBZ 80 Landeskog curve Bag - Team Canada backpack style, unsure of brand Socks - Tron elite in Blackhawks colours The skates were a recent upgrade as was the Re-akt cage and Miken stick. Still looking to upgrade the rest as finances permit.